Hi Matthew, 

Sorry for the late answer, of course I am happy to hand over any remaining 
modules in the Perlunit distribution to you. 

@Dear CPAN maintainers: please make Matthew Astley owner of any remaining 
modules in the Perlunit distribution. I have lost any access details to do this 
myself by the usual web interfaces.

Gruß / Regards,

Christian Lemburg

Am 10.06.2011 um 00:53 schrieb "Matthew Astley" <mca1...@users.sourceforge.net>:

> Hi Christian,
> Many years ago, you handed over maintainership of the Perlunit
> "Test::Unit" module to Adam Spiers, who later handed it to me (MCAST).
> Unfortunately both handovers were incomplete, in that they did not
> include other related modules in the Perlunit distribution.  I have
> only realised this now CPAN is marking most of my last upload as
> "unauthorized",
>  http://search.cpan.org/~mcast/Test-Unit-0.25/
> due to these permissions,
> https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?pause99_peek_perms_by=a&pause99_peek_perms_query=CLEMBURG&pause99_peek_perms_sub=1
>  (login required; menu at https://pause.perl.org/pause/ )
> also visible publicly via
>  curl -s http://www.cpan.org/modules/06perms.txt.gz | zcat | grep -E '^$|: 
> |^Test::Unit' | less
> I would like to continue maintaining the package, and would therefore
> be grateful for 'modulelist' or 'co-maint' permissions on those
> relevant modules you still own.
> I would be pleased to talk about this if you are still interested in
> the project.
> Otherwise if you are happy to make the handover, I estimate it as
> 10-15 minutes of password resetting and form prodding; or you might
> try mailing modules@perl.org cc: me, and asking them to make the
> hand-over.
> Thank you for your work on the system long ago, and I hope you have
> kept well in the decade (!) since.
> -- 
> Matthew Astley
> Laggard maintainer of Perlunit

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