Hi All

OK. Neil has become rock-attuned.

On 08/02/14 09:44, Matt S Trout wrote:
On Sat, Feb 08, 2014 at 08:55:32AM +1100, Ron Savage wrote:

Neil Bowers tells me - and I accept - that Sean Burke has left the
Perl scene, and that Neil would like to work on Pod::Escapes, so
I've made him co-maint.

Yeah, I mean, he was only talking about doing another CPAN release on Dec 22,
and on irc.perl.org #perl today.

Clearly he's left.

Neil, can you /msg TorgoX next time you spot him online and double check
please? I know you're in #perl as well. Or reply saying you already did

I strongly suspect he'll be entirely in favour of your adopting an old
module of his but I'd like a double check - or if you already did that and
Ron hasn't passed it on quite right, just reply telling me I'm an overly
paranoid idiot and I'll crawl back under my rock :D

Ron Savage

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