Just to close the loop...

> Hm, odd...
> CPAN shows my last release, 1.04, as being the most current release of the 
> module, anywhere:
>  http://search.cpan.org/~sburke/Pod-Escapes-1.04/
> ~But~ as I look in PAUSE, I don't see it as belonging to me at all.
>       Owner: ARANDAL
>       Co-maint: LTOETSCH
>       Co-maint: NEILB

When I previously adopted one of Sean's dists I was told he'd retired. This 
time I noticed that he wasn't listed in the permissions for the dist, so 
assumed[*] that the same applied for this dist. And then my email to the PAUSE 
admins got spam blocked, as often happens. So I impatiently[**] emailed Ron 
directly. Apologies to Sean and Ron; lesson learned.

Anyhoo, all's well, etc.

I've done a first developer release[†], and while I wait to see what CPAN 
Testers thinks, I'll test the upstream dependent dists. Then I'll do a regular 
release and if CPAN Testers is happy with that, I'll merge my updates into 


[*] my first mistake
[**] and my second
[†] https://metacpan.org/release/NEILB/Pod-Escapes-1.04_01

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