Hi Thorsten,

> I'd like to adopt the MQSeries module.
> A year ago I've uploaded a patch (bug id 113894), but nothing happened. Then 
> I've sent a mail to mqser...@cpan.org <mailto:mqser...@cpan.org>, but 
> received a bounce mail (user unknown) from Morgan Stanley's mail server. Now 
> I have found another issue and sent a mail to this address again, but still 
> the same bounce mail. The module has open bug reports that are 8 years old. 
> And the last release was built in 2012.
> Now I have requested a PAUSE account and forked the read-only repo mirror on 
> github (gitpan/MQSeries) into my own account (thorstenhirsch/MQSeries) in 
> order to continue development.
> What are the next steps?

The README for the distribution lists Hildo Biersma and W Phillip Moore, so 
they may know how you can get in touch with the current maintainer, or get 
co-maint permission. They’ve both got PAUSE accounts, so I’ve copied them on 
this email.

Hildo & Phillip, do you know the status of this module, and who is the right 
person to decide if Thorsten can have co-maint?


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