
This is very sad, and as the original author of the code, I would like to
apologize on behalf of those who have inherited in from me.   Except that I
have *NO* idea who that is.   I wrote and owned this code from 1998 to
2002.   Hildo also left the project and Morgan Stanley a few years later,
and the engineering team that manages the MQSeries infrastructure Hildo and
I designed and deployed are the ones responsible for the CPAN distro now.
That team *was* pretty good, but they entire team quit or changed projects
in 2012, which explains the final release date.

Now, I am going to be characteristically blunt here: all the good engineers
are gone from that team, and I don't think they are giving ANY priority to
maintaining the CPAN distribution, because none of them have any clue how.
   If you have the skills and the interest in taking this over, I would be
more than happy to help broker getting the ownership transferred.

If push comes to shove, I am pretty sure that if Hildo and I endorsed it,
the CPAN maintainers would make the change.   I have followed the DBIC
ownership debacle from a distance, and I think that was handled extremely
professionally by David Golden, for example.   Now, I honestly think that
the team in question is so deep underwater with everything we created (that
infrastructure and the management application we built are perhaps the most
successful work of my career, and they still use it), that they will most
likely be thrilled to give this up.

Anyway, if it is not obvious, please keep this discussion entirely
confidential for now.  I am putting the priorities of the open source
community before those of my employers here, and so taking a bit of
political risk by doing so.    I am, for lack of clearly better judgment,
working at MS again right now, so I would appreciate you NOT sharing this
discussion publicly until it is appropriate to do so.   This is also why I
am in the perfect spot to broker the ownership change.

I am going to proactively reach out to Golden, and inquire about the
process here, as I don't think you will ever see another release if we
don't, so I will bring him into this discussion as well.   Please give me
about a week to get the internal feedback on this.

On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 10:17 AM, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com>

> Hi Thorsten,
> I'd like to adopt the MQSeries module.
> A year ago I've uploaded a patch (bug id 113894), but nothing happened.
> Then I've sent a mail to mqser...@cpan.org, but received a bounce mail
> (user unknown) from Morgan Stanley's mail server. Now I have found another
> issue and sent a mail to this address again, but still the same bounce
> mail. The module has open bug reports that are 8 years old. And the last
> release was built in 2012.
> Now I have requested a PAUSE account and forked the read-only repo mirror
> on github (gitpan/MQSeries) into my own account (thorstenhirsch/MQSeries)
> in order to continue development.
> What are the next steps?
> The README for the distribution lists Hildo Biersma and W Phillip Moore,
> so they may know how you can get in touch with the current maintainer, or
> get co-maint permission. They’ve both got PAUSE accounts, so I’ve copied
> them on this email.
> Hildo & Phillip, do you know the status of this module, and who is the
> right person to decide if Thorsten can have co-maint?
> Cheers,
> Neil

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