
App::HTTPThis hasn't had a release since 2010. There are a few pull
requests[1] that have been on its GitHub repo[2] for a couple of years
and Pedro hasn't responded (although he is occasionally active on
GitHub). One of these PRs is one I submitted in 2020[3] and in a
comment on that PR, I've offered to take over maintenance of the
module - but I've had no response.

Would you consider trying to make "official" CPAN contact with Pedro
passing on my offer to take the module over? My CPAN name is



[1] https://github.com/melo/app-htttpthis/pulls
[2] https://github.com/melo/app-htttpthis
[3] https://github.com/melo/app-htttpthis/pull/4

Social: @davorg
Web: https://dave.org.uk/

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