Enabling capture of core dump files and then using gdb to work out where C 
level stack trace is for when process is crashing is all I can think of.

> On 31 Oct 2022, at 7:38 am, stuart mcgraw <smcg4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the vhost suggestion.  I hadn't thought of that but it turned out 
> we didn't need to.
> After more testing it turns out that a .wsgi script with simple hello world 
> script per
> https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/user-guides/quick-configuration-guide.html#wsgi-application-script-file
> is exhibiting the problem: with no incoming requests at all the mod_wsgi 
> process after sitting there for anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, 
> dies with a segmentation fault.  Any idea what else I could look at?
> On Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 12:10:38 AM UTC-6 Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> The LogLevel can be set just in a VirtualHost context if is under separate 
> host. If you are then using separate log files for differential VirtualHost 
> it should at least be semi segmented from everything else.
>> On 26 Oct 2022, at 4:34 pm, stuart mcgraw <smcg...@gmail.com 
>> <applewebdata://ADD45F64-DF89-430B-BCD1-ADC44F659EBF>> wrote:
>> I was grepping all the log files for any messages within a minute or two 
>> before the segfaults so if a request was logged anywhere I should have seen 
>> it.  
>> I'll mention the LogLevel Debug setting to them, but there were complaints 
>> before that LogLevel Info was too noisy so I'm not sure that will fly.
>> I'll look into the possibility of errant app threads and post back if 
>> anything turns up.  Thanks very much for your help with this.
>> On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 11:05:28 PM UTC-6 Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>> The only way I can think of that you may get a request which wasn't logged, 
>> is if an internal Apache request was triggered via an internal redirect from 
>> another Apache module. There still has to be an original request, but it 
>> would be logged as different request URL to where it got internally 
>> redirected.
>> Since you are using mod_wsgi daemon mode you can likely see better evidence 
>> of all requests being handled if turn on verbose debugging mode, but would 
>> be quite noisy.
>>     LogLevel debug
>>     WSGIVerboseDebugging On
>> Graham
>>> On 26 Oct 2022, at 3:33 pm, stuart mcgraw <smcg...@gmail.com <>> wrote:
>>> I didn't compile mod_wsgi myself so I can't say 100% but the person who did 
>>> said so and there is a source directory on the machine named mod_wsgi-4.9.4 
>>> with a mod_wsgi.so file whose sha1 checksum matches that of the file in the 
>>> apache modules/ directory, so I'd say I'm 99.9% sure.
>>> But the chances of >1Gi requests being made seem pretty small.  The urls 
>>> haven't been publicized, there are only a handful of known users accessing 
>>> the urls infrequently as testers and nothing in the application would 
>>> generate requests of that magnitude.
>>> This may be out of scope for you, but are you aware of any (reasonably 
>>> normal) circumstances under which a mod_wsgi process could receive a 
>>> request that wasn't logged by Apache?  Or perhaps I could modify the 
>>> mod_wsgi source code to print a message to a file when a request was 
>>> received (which I could then correlate with the Apache logs to answer the 
>>> question.)  Because usage is very light and this is only for short term 
>>> debugging, I don't think locking or anything fancy would be needed?
>>> And I am still wondering about library mismatches or conflicts since 
>>> Apache, Python, mod_wsgi and C-based Python modules (eg psyocopg2) used by 
>>> the app were all built from source.  It is possible that some version 
>>> mismatch there causes some memory corruption that is later manifest when 
>>> one of the mod_wsgi housekeeping threads runs?  I would like if possible to 
>>> rule this out or at least put at the bottom of the list.  
>>> On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 8:35:07 PM UTC-6 Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>>> I know you said you were using mod_wsgi/4.9.4, but are you absolutely sure? 
>>>  Apache/2.4.54 made a breaking change by changing the default for 
>>> LimitRequestBody directive, which would cause mod_wsgi daemon process to 
>>> crash when there were sent large request bodies over 1Gi. This was fixed in 
>>> version 4.9.4, but am wondering whether your production system has older 
>>> version than your development systems use and you just aren't aware of that.
>>> https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/master/release-notes/version-4.9.4.html#bugs-fixed
>>> <https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/master/release-notes/version-4.9.4.html#bugs-fixed>
>>> As to back ground threads, mod_wsgi has a couple of background threads 
>>> which check for idle activity, deadlocks and things, but they touch so 
>>> little they have never caused issues in the past. Beyond that, the request 
>>> handler threads themselves should be stuck on a select loop if no requests 
>>> are happening.
>>>> On 26 Oct 2022, at 1:12 pm, stuart mcgraw <smcg...@gmail.com <>> wrote:
>>>> Again, thanks for those suggestions.
>>>> The OOM killer seems not to be an issue.  I've been told there are no 
>>>> signs of it in the system logs and no signs of memory problems via 
>>>> monitoring during nomal operations.
>>>> Nor did "WSGIDestroyInterpreter Off" have any effect, the segfaults are 
>>>> still occurring after that was added and Apache restarted.
>>>> My understanding of how mod_wsgi works is pretty sketchy.  IIUC you are 
>>>> saying that the mod_wsgi processes are sitting there, waiting on a 
>>>> select() call or the like, to receive a request from the mod_wsgi code 
>>>> within Apache; and in that state they cannot simply spontaneously crash -- 
>>>> it must be that either that the process received request from Apache (via 
>>>> the mod_wsgi module) or there is some independent thread running in the 
>>>> Python part of the mod_wsgi process (which is running my wsgi app) that is 
>>>> causing the crash?
>>>> I based my claim that there were no requests coincidental with the 
>>>> segfaults based on the lack of log messages within a second or two for 
>>>> some of the segfaults.  (Its a moderately busy server so of course there 
>>>> were also some close in time but for seemingly unrelated pages: eg, 
>>>> python, php or c cgi, or html.)  Is it possible that the mod_wsgi 
>>>> processes are getting woken up by something that does not produce an 
>>>> apache access log entry?
>>>> I'm still working on the python thread hypothesis (this is a production 
>>>> server so changes aren't easy.)
>>>> On Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 2:12:02 PM UTC-6 Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>>>> How much memory do the processes use? Maybe the system OOM process killer 
>>>> is killing the processes as they consume lots of memory and the system 
>>>> thinks it is running low. There were some potential problems introduced 
>>>> with Python 3.9 with how process are shutdown and that causes embedded 
>>>> systems to fail on shutdown.
>>>> See:
>>>> https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/master/release-notes/version-4.9.1.html#features-changed
>>>> <https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/master/release-notes/version-4.9.1.html#features-changed>
>>>> You can try setting:
>>>> WSGIDestroyInterpreter Off
>>>> as mentioned in those change notes and see if it goes away.
>>>> Other than that, if you are confident that no new requests are arriving, 
>>>> can only suggest you work out if there are background threads running in 
>>>> Python.
>>>> You can do that be adding code as described in:
>>>> https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/master/user-guides/debugging-techniques.html#extracting-python-stack-traces
>>>> <https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/master/user-guides/debugging-techniques.html#extracting-python-stack-traces>
>>>> and triggering a dump of running threads by touching a file in the file 
>>>> system.
>>>> It might also be helpful if you can work out how to have the system 
>>>> preserve core dumps from Apache so they can be used to extract a true 
>>>> process stack trace as that may give a clue.
>>>> Graham
>>>>> On 24 Oct 2022, at 3:51 am, stuart mcgraw <smcg...@gmail.com <>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for that suggestion.  I passed it on to the site admin made and he 
>>>>> made the "application-group=%{GLOBAL}" change, but unfortunately it made 
>>>>> no difference, the segfaults are still occurring as before.  Is there 
>>>>> anything else I can look at?  The current configuration is:
>>>>> WSGIDaemonProcess jmwsgi processes=2 threads=10 \
>>>>>     display-name=apache2-jmwsgi locale=en_US.UTF-8 lang=en_US.UTF-8
>>>>> WSGIScriptAlias /jmwsgi 
>>>>> /usr/local/apache2/jmdictdb/wsgifiles/jmdictdb.wsgi \
>>>>>     process-group=jmwsgi application-group=%{GLOBAL}
>>>>> Would changing to "process=N threads=1" or "processes=1 threads=N" 
>>>>> provide any useful info?  Apache, mod_wsgi and the other web server 
>>>>> components were all built there (ie, they are not from distro-supplied 
>>>>> packages.)  Are the symptoms consistent with a mismatched library or some 
>>>>> other build configuration issue?  Or conversely, maybe they make that 
>>>>> unlikely? 
>>>>> On Friday, October 21, 2022 at 11:48:51 PM UTC-6 Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>>>>> Try changing it to:
>>>>> WSGIScriptAlias /jmwsgi 
>>>>> /usr/local/apache2/jmdictdb/wsgifiles/jmdictdb.wsgi \
>>>>>       process-group=jmwsgi application-group=%{GLOBAL}
>>>>> You are possibly using a third party Python module which isn't designed 
>>>>> to work in Python sub interpreters. That application group value forces 
>>>>> the main Python interpreter context to be used, which can avoid problems 
>>>>> with crashes, or thread deadlocks when such broken modules are used.
>>>>> https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/master/user-guides/application-issues.html#python-simplified-gil-state-api
>>>>> <https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/master/user-guides/application-issues.html#python-simplified-gil-state-api>
>>>>> That option on WSGIScriptAlias has same affect as WSGIAplicationGroup but 
>>>>> is more specific. For same reason, your use of WSGIProcessGroup is 
>>>>> redundant as process group setting on WSGIScriptAlias takes precedence.
>>>>> Graham
>>>>>> On 22 Oct 2022, at 2:35 pm, stuart mcgraw <smcg...@ <>gmail.com 
>>>>>> <http://gmail.com/>> wrote:
>>>>>> My apologies for the delayed response, I thought I had my google email 
>>>>>> forwarded to my main email account but... :-(
>>>>>> My intent was that the processes run in daemon mode.  I had missed the 
>>>>>> info about the WSGIRestrictEmbedded directive when I went through the 
>>>>>> doc, I'll ask the admin there to add that.  The full configuration for 
>>>>>> wsgi is:
>>>>>>   WSGIDaemonProcess jmwsgi processes=2 threads=10 \
>>>>>>       display-name=apache2-jmwsgi locale=en_US.UTF-8 lang=en_US.UTF-8
>>>>>>   WSGIProcessGroup jmwsgi
>>>>>>   WSGIScriptAlias /jmwsgi 
>>>>>> /usr/local/apache2/jmdictdb/wsgifiles/jmdictdb.wsgi \
>>>>>>       process-group=jmwsgi
>>>>>>     # Serve static files directly without using the app.
>>>>>>   Alias /jmwsgi/web/ /usr/local/apache2/jmdictdb/
>>>>>>   <Directory /usr/local/apache2/jmdictdb>
>>>>>>       DirectoryIndex disabled
>>>>>>       Require all granted
>>>>>>       </Directory>
>>>>>> The server has a number of virtual hosts and there were a few mod_wsgi 
>>>>>> "Loading Python" messages in the error log for one of them (for ssl) but 
>>>>>> nothing looking errorish and only a few, nowhere near the number of 
>>>>>> segfault messages:
>>>>>>   [Sat Oct 01 07:50:12.090697 2022] [wsgi:info] [pid 731154:tid 
>>>>>> 140442461062912] [remote *.*.*.*:40566] mod_wsgi (pid=731154, 
>>>>>> process='jmwsgi', application='www.edrdg.org 
>>>>>> <http://www.edrdg.org/>|/jmwsgi'): Loading Python script file 
>>>>>> '/usr/local/apache2/jmdictdb/wsgifiles/jmdictdb.wsgi'.
>>>>>> But the wsgi configuration stuff is outside all the virtutal hosts.
>>>>>> When the server starts, there are a couple messages in the main error 
>>>>>> log file like:
>>>>>>   [Sat Oct 01 06:42:26.499086 2022] [wsgi:info] [pid 731041:tid 
>>>>>> 140442622753728] mod_wsgi (pid=731041): Starting process 'jmwsgi' with 
>>>>>> uid=33, gid=33 and threads=10.
>>>>>>   [Sat Oct 01 06:42:26.499518 2022] [wsgi:info] [pid 731039:tid 
>>>>>> 140442622753728] mod_wsgi (pid=731039): Starting process 'jmwsgi' with 
>>>>>> uid=33, gid=33 and threads=10.
>>>>>> and these are followed/interleaved with the "Initializing Python" and 
>>>>>> "Attach interpreter" messages but after server startup the messages are 
>>>>>> limited to the sets of three I showed: "Initializing Python" and "Attach 
>>>>>> interpreter" followed sometime later by the Segmentation fault.
>>>>>> Does any of that help?
>>>>>> On Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 4:16:09 PM UTC-6 Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>>>>>> What other mod_wsgi configuration is there besides the WSGIDaemonProcess 
>>>>>> directive? That alone only creates a mod_wsgi daemon process group, but 
>>>>>> does not tell mod_wsgi to use it. Thus cannot tell whether you are using 
>>>>>> embedded mode or daemon mode. The logs are also odd in that would expect 
>>>>>> to see other messages in there around when processes are created if 
>>>>>> using daemon mode, plus an indication of whether a message is being 
>>>>>> generated from an Apache child process or mod_wsgi daemon process.
>>>>>> So can you supply the other parts of the mod_wsgi configuration so can 
>>>>>> see if properly using daemon mode or not. Also look for logs from 
>>>>>> mod_wsgi in any per virtual host specific error log file and not just 
>>>>>> main Apache error log if you separate them. Finally, if you are only 
>>>>>> intending to use mod_wsgi daemon mode, ensure you add the directive:
>>>>>>     WSGIRestrictEmbedded On
>>>>>> outside of all VirtualHost definitions so that any attempt to 
>>>>>> intitialise/use Python in main Apache child processes is disabled.
>>>>>> Graham
>>>>>>> On 17 Oct 2022, at 8:07 am, stuart mcgraw <smcg...@ <>gmail.com 
>>>>>>> <http://gmail.com/>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I am author of a Flask application running under Linux/Apache mod_wsgi 
>>>>>>> that is experiencing intermittent, random segmentation faults.  
>>>>>>> What is unusual is that the mod_wsgi process segfaults are occurring 
>>>>>>> not at startup when mod_wsgi is loaded, or at when an incoming request 
>>>>>>> accesses the app, but when the wsgi processes are just sitting there, 
>>>>>>> quiescent.
>>>>>>> From a user's point of view, everything looks fine, the mod_wsgi 
>>>>>>> processes and the app respond with the right results with no sign of 
>>>>>>> trouble at the client's browser.  But looking at the Apache logs shows 
>>>>>>> the wsgi processes periodically segfaulting and getting restarted with 
>>>>>>> no correlated incoming requests.  They die sometimes after running for 
>>>>>>> a few minutes, sometimes after a few hours.  There are no incoming 
>>>>>>> requests to the the wsgi app logged near the time of these crashes.
>>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>>> [Mon May 30 22:35:43.040387 2022] [wsgi:info] [pid 2575903:tid 
>>>>>>> 139929303559104] mod_wsgi (pid=2575903): Initializing Python.
>>>>>>> [Mon May 30 22:35:43.099053 2022] [wsgi:info] [pid 2575903:tid 
>>>>>>> 139929303559104] mod_wsgi (pid=2575903): Attach interpreter ''.
>>>>>>> [Tue May 31 01:29:06.434000 2022] [core:notice] [pid 2876203:tid 
>>>>>>> 139929303559104] AH00052: child pid 2511562 exit signal Segmentation 
>>>>>>> fault (11)
>>>>>>> [Tue May 31 01:29:07.466268 2022] [wsgi:info] [pid 2605661:tid 
>>>>>>> 139929303559104] mod_wsgi (pid=2605661): Initializing Python.
>>>>>>> [Tue May 31 01:29:07.517413 2022] [wsgi:info] [pid 2605661:tid 
>>>>>>> 139929303559104] mod_wsgi (pid=2605661): Attach interpreter ''.
>>>>>>> [Tue May 31 04:14:59.405491 2022] [core:notice] [pid 2876203:tid 
>>>>>>> 139929303559104] AH00052: child pid 2575903 exit signal Segmentation 
>>>>>>> fault (11)
>>>>>>> My wsgi app is still being tested so other than infrequent requests 
>>>>>>> generated by me and a few other people there is very little traffic to 
>>>>>>> it.  However the web server itself is handling some continuous moderate 
>>>>>>> volume of traffic to other apps including to C, Python and PHP CGI apps.
>>>>>>> What I know about the environment (if any other info would be useful 
>>>>>>> I'll try and dig it up):
>>>>>>> $ cat /etc/*release
>>>>>>> PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
>>>>>>> Apache, mod_wsgi, python were all built from source by the site's 
>>>>>>> administrator.
>>>>>>> There are (at least) two Python's on the system:
>>>>>>>  /usr/bin/python3 -- 3.9.2
>>>>>>>  /usr/local/bin/python3 -- 3.10.1
>>>>>>> Apachche/mod_wsgi is was supposedly built against python-3.10.  From 
>>>>>>> the http server header:
>>>>>>>   Apache/2.4.54 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.1.1n mod_wsgi/4.9.4 Python/3.10 
>>>>>>> PHP/7.4.23
>>>>>>> The Apache .conf file uses:
>>>>>>>   WSGIDaemonProcess myapp processes=2 threads=10 \
>>>>>>>     display-name=apache2-myapp locale=en_US.UTF-8 lang=en_US.UTF-8
>>>>>>> $ /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -V
>>>>>>> Server version: Apache/2.4.54 (Unix)
>>>>>>> Server built:   Oct 13 2022 00:07:38
>>>>>>> Server's Module Magic Number: 20120211:124
>>>>>>> Server loaded:  APR 1.6.5, APR-UTIL 1.6.1, PCRE 10.36 2020-12-04
>>>>>>> Compiled using: APR 1.6.5, APR-UTIL 1.6.1, PCRE 10.36 2020-12-04
>>>>>>> Architecture:   64-bit
>>>>>>> Server MPM:     event
>>>>>>>   threaded:     yes (fixed thread count)
>>>>>>>     forked:     yes (variable process count)
>>>>>>> Server compiled with....
>>>>>>>  -D APR_HAS_MMAP
>>>>>>>  -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled)
>>>>>>>  -D HTTPD_ROOT="/usr/local/apache2"
>>>>>>>  -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/local/apache2/bin/suexec"
>>>>>>>  -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="logs/httpd.pid"
>>>>>>>  -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/apache_runtime_status"
>>>>>>>  -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log"
>>>>>>>  -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="conf/mime.types"
>>>>>>>  -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"
>>>>>>> $ bin/httpd -M
>>>>>>> Loaded Modules:
>>>>>>>  core_module (static)
>>>>>>>  so_module (static)
>>>>>>>  http_module (static)
>>>>>>>  mpm_event_module (static)
>>>>>>>  authz_core_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  authz_host_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  unixd_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  dir_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  access_compat_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  env_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  alias_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  log_config_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  ssl_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  mime_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  socache_shmcb_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  setenvif_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  cgid_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  userdir_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  headers_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  rewrite_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  autoindex_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  negotiation_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  dav_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  deflate_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  info_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  status_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  wsgi_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  evasive24_module (shared)
>>>>>>>  php7_module (shared)
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