Even simpler, I think, is to alias everything to your one script, so you
don't have to worry about what else might be in that directory.

ScriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" "/opt/mysite/cgi-bin/my_app.pl"

https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias talks
about some strategies for this.


On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 11:22 PM Alexander Karelas <alex.kare...@gmail.com>

> I have made some webapps that I use internally. I use them so rarely (just
> a couple of page views per week each) that I thought it wasn't worth having
> a hypnotoad running for each and waste resources (RAM mainly), especially
> since the number of these webapps might increase a lot in the future, and I
> don't care about response time (2 seconds is fine) so I thought I'd set
> them up as CGI sites.
> With some experimentation, I ended up with this Apache conf file the
> VirtualServer (for Apache v2.4). It routes arbitrary URLs to the right
> route handler.
> What do you think of it? Is it secure (suppose an evil user has access to
> it)? Can it be improved? Can it be simplified, maybe? Is this useful
> material for the mojo Wiki / POD?
> I'm interested in your opinions, because my experience with Apache is not
> that big.
> *  DocumentRoot /opt/mysite/html   ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
> /opt/mysite/cgi-bin/   <Directory "/opt/mysite/html">       RewriteEngine
> On       RewriteBase /       RewriteRule (.*) /cgi-bin/my_app.pl/$1
> <http://my_app.pl/$1> [L]       Require all granted   </Directory>   # for
> the case when the user types manually /cgi-bin/local/bin/some-command.pl
> <http://some-command.pl>   # i.e. the only CGI script that's allowed to run
> is my_app.pl <http://my_app.pl>   <LocationMatch "^/cgi-bin/(?!my_app.pl/
> <http://my_app.pl/>)">       Require all denied   </LocationMatch>
> <Directory "/opt/mysite/cgi-bin">       Require all granted       Options
> ExecCGI       SetHandler cgi-script   </Directory> *
> --
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