And of course, you can SetEnv all the MOJO environment variables you
want (eg MOJO_MODE to production)

On 20/11/18 8:21 π.μ., Alexander Karelas wrote:
> I even tried curl with /../ and /cgi-bin/../, and
> these still went through, so we're fine I think!
> - Alex
> On 20/11/18 8:11 π.μ., Alexander Karelas wrote:
>> Thanks to Dan Book, I searched a bit more. Plain ScriptAlias didn't
>> do the trick, but ScriptAliasMatch worked beautifully on both CentOS
>> and Ubuntu (provided you enable the cgi module of Apache, of course,
>> which I hadn't done before, and mysteriously wasn't getting an error
>> for unknown Apache directives):
>> This apache config seems a lot simpler and more secure, I think,
>> therefore better.
>> *<VirtualHost *:80>**
>> **  ServerName apache-dev.lxd**
>> **  DocumentRoot /opt/mysite/html*
>> *  ScriptAliasMatch "^/cgi-bin/(.*)" "/opt/mysite/cgi-bin/$1"**
>> **
>> **  <Directory "/opt/mysite/html">**
>> **      RewriteEngine On**
>> **      RewriteBase /**
>> **      RewriteRule (.*) /cgi-bin/$1 [L]**
>> **      Require all granted**
>> **  </Directory>**
>> **
>> **  <Directory "/opt/mysite/cgi-bin">**
>> **      Require all granted**
>> **  </Directory>**
>> **</VirtualHost>**
>> *

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