Your commented 'for' loop is correct; you need to dereference
stash('titles') to pass the list of hashrefs to the loop. The other problem
is that you need to prevent auto-rendering until your async code has
completed. You can do this by calling `$c->render_later` at the beginning
of the action (`$c` is the first argument passed to the action, which you
need to retrieve), and then `$c->render` after you've set the stash value.
You can even include the stash update in the render call:
`$c->render(titles => $titles);`

I would additionally recommend to use promises rather than delays as it
will lead to much more concise code with the promise methods available from
Mojo::UserAgent. Also, you want to hold a reference to the transaction, and
add exception handling, as described here:

Here is how it might look as a start:

get '/titles' => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    my $tx = $c->tx;
    my $ua    = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
    my @promises = map { $ua->get_p($_) } @urls;
    Mojo::Promise->all(@promises)->then(sub {
        my @results = @_;
        my $titles = [];
        foreach my $result (@results) {
            my $tx = $result->[0];
            my $title = trim($tx->res->dom->at('title')->text);
            push @$titles, {host => $tx->req->url->host, title => $title};
        $c->render(titles => $titles);
    })->catch(sub { $c->reply->exception(pop); undef $tx });
} => 'titles';


On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:57 PM Ron Bergin <> wrote:

> Note: I cross posted this question on perlmonks
> On Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 9:48:20 AM UTC-8, Ron Bergin wrote:
>> I'm brand new to Mojolicious and working on a lite script that goes to 75
>> urls and retrieves text in an h3 tag. I've worked up a working test script
>> that outputs to console and now I'm working on adjusting it to be a web app
>> but I can't seem to get the correct syntax to store/retrieve the data.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use Mojolicious::Lite;
>> my @urls  = (
>>     '',
>>     '',
>>     '',
>>     '',
>> );
>> get '/titles' => sub {
>>     my $ua    = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
>>     my $async = Mojo::IOLoop::Delay->new;
>>     $async->steps(
>>         sub {
>>             my $self = shift;
>>             $ua->get($_, $self->begin) for @urls;
>>         },
>>         sub {
>>             my ($self, @tx) = @_;
>>             my $titles      = [];
>>             foreach (@tx) {
>>                 my $title  = '';
>>                 my $status = $_->res->is_success ? 'Connected' : $_->
>> error->{message};
>>                 if ( $_->res->is_success ) {
>>                     $title = $_->res->dom->at('title')->text;
>>                     $title =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # couldn't get Mojo::Util
>> trim function to work
>>                 }
>>                 push @$titles, {host => $_->req->url->host, status =>
>> $status, title => $title};
>>             }
>>             $self->stash(titles => $titles);
>>         }
>>     );
>> } => 'titles';
>> app->start;
>> __DATA__
>> @@ titles.html.ep
>> % layout 'titles';
>> %= dumper stash('titles')
>> <table border=1>
>> <tr>
>>   <th>Host</th>
>>   <th>Status</th>
>>   <th>Title</th>
>> </tr>
>> <!-- % for my $server ( @{ stash('titles') } ) { -->
>> % for my $server ( stash('titles') ) {
>>   <tr>
>>     <td><%= $server->{host} %></td>
>>     <td><%= $server->{status} %></td>
>>     <td><%= $server->{title} =%></td>
>>   </tr>
>> % }
>> </table>
>> @@ layouts/titles.html.ep
>> <!doctype html>
>> <html>
>> <head>
>>   <title>Titles</title>
>> </head>
>> <body>
>> <h1>Titles</h1>
>> <%= content =%>
>> </body>
>> </html>
>> Here's the output:
>>> $ ./ get /titles
>>> [Thu Feb  7 09:45:54 2019] [debug] GET "/titles" (fcf21ce8)
>>> [Thu Feb  7 09:45:54 2019] [debug] Routing to a callback
>>> [Thu Feb  7 09:45:54 2019] [debug] Rendering template "titles.html.ep"
>>> from DATA section
>>> [Thu Feb  7 09:45:54 2019] [debug] Rendering template
>>> "layouts/titles.html.ep" from DATA section
>>> [Thu Feb  7 09:45:54 2019] [debug] 200 OK (0.00267s, 374.532/s)
>>> <!doctype html>
>>> <html>
>>> <head>
>>>   <title>Titles</title>
>>> </head>
>>> <body>
>>> <h1>Titles</h1>
>>> undef
>>> <table border=1>
>>> <tr>
>>>   <th>Host</th>
>>>   <th>Status</th>
>>>   <th>Title</th>
>>> </tr>
>>> <!-- % for my $server ( @{ stash('titles') } ) { -->
>>>   <tr>
>>>     <td></td>
>>>     <td></td>
>>>     <td></td>
>>> </tr>
>>> </table>
>>> </body>
>>> </html>
>> --
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