- *Mojolicious version*: Unknown
- *Perl version*: v5.16.3
- *Operating system*: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)

*Steps to reproduce the behavior*

Currently our application is quite slow, surely if a lot of EU's (+- 100) 
are connected. Our application is loadbalanced over 2 servers with below 

   - 12vCPU
   - 48Gb Ram

This is our Mojolicious configuration:

*{ # # Logging #*

*log => {
    path  => $app->home() . '/var/log/otrs.WebServer.log',
    level => 'warn',

# Production Webserver ("Hypnotoad")

hypnotoad => {

    # Full path to the web server pid file. Don't change this, otherwise 
automatic web server reloading
    #   from the application will not work any more.
    pid_file => $app->home() . '/var/run/otrs.WebServer.pid',

    # One or more locations/ports to listen on incoming connections. Examples:
    # Listen on all IPv4 interfaces
    # listen => [ 'http://*:8080' ],
    # Localhost and an IPv4 on port 8080
    # listen => [ 'http://localhost:8080', '' ],
    # IPv6 on port 8080
    # listen => ['http://[::1]:8080'],
    # HTTPS with custom certificate and key
    # listen => 
    listen => ['http://localhost:8080'],

    # The number of worker processes to serve incoming requests.
    workers => 25,

    # Number of temporarily spawned workers, which allows new workers to be 
started while old ones are still
    # shutting down. This will reduce the performance costs of worker restarts.
    spare => 10,

    # Maximum number of connections, which will be accepted by each worker 
    clients => 20,

    # Maximum number of connections, which will be accepted by each worker, 
before it will be stopped and
    # replaced by a new one.
    # Setting this value to 0 causes the server to never stop workers after a 
certain amount of connections.
    accepts => 5000,

    # Maximum amount of time in seconds stopping a worker gracefully may take 
before being forced.
    graceful_timeout => 120,

    # Maximum amount of time in seconds before a worker without a heartbeat 
will be stopped gracefully.
    # Note that this value should usually be a little larger than the maximum 
amount of time you
    #   expect any one operation to block the event loop.
    heartbeat_timeout => 120,

    # Maximum amount of time in seconds a connection can be inactive before 
getting closed.
    inactivity_timeout => 120,

    # Activate support for operation behind a reverse proxy. This allows for 
the X-Forwarded-For and
    #   X-Forwarded-Proto headers to be picked up automatically by the server 
to identify the remote address.
    # This should be set to 0 if using the Mojolicious web server directly 
without a reverse proxy in front of it,
    #   for security reasons.
    proxy => 1,

# Limits

max_request_size => 64 * 1024 * 1024,

# Websocket

websocket => {
    # Websocket heartbeat check settings in seconds.
    ping_interval      => 20,
    pong_timeout       => 10,
    inactivity_timeout => 30,

# Debugging

enable_debugger_http_trace    => 0,
enable_debugger_sql_trace     => 0,
enable_debugger_stderr_log    => 0,
enable_debugger_perl_profiler => 0,

*}; *`

*Expected behavior*

Good performance

*Actual behavior*

Bad performance ;-)
Any suggestions on the "Workers" and "Clients" setting? Like already said 
the application behaves performant if only 10 users are logged on. Once we 
go over 50 eu's application is going slower and slower.
We were thinking of increasing the workers a little bit more (eg. 30?) and 
decrease the clients to 5?
CPU usage on the servers are < 20%
Memory usage on the servers are < 50%

I know that this is dependent on your application, but the problem is that 
an external company has written this for us and they don't want to advice 
us on the best practice settings. :-(

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