something I have found vaguely useful that I just uploaded to CPAN for 
people to play with

adds a *repeat()* method to the promise class/objects.

The essential idea is that 


is equivalent to

$promise->then(sub{...})->then(sub{...})->then(sub{...})->then(sub{...}) # 
.... forever

except that repeat() also returns a "final" promise, which is

   - rejected, if any iteration dies with a value or returns a promise that 
   gets rejected
   - resolved with @values, if any iteration calls $_->(@values)
and if any run of the handler sub{...} returns normally or with a promise 
that gets resolved, those values get fed to the next run,

$_ being bound, at the start of each run, to an escape function that 
doesn't return -- the moral equivalent of a break statement -- *but *you 
can also use this function to break out of nested loops/handlers as well 
(though you'll need to stash it in a lexical if you're going to do that).

The pattern that seems to be coming up a lot for me is

$ua->get_p($first_url)->repeat(sub {
     # ... parse page ...
     $_->() if (victory);
     # ... 

(I may eventually want to petition for some form of this to be added to 
Mojo::Promise, but one thing at a time...)

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