I really like mon. A good deal of my past couple of years of
employment has involved installing and configuring mon at different
sites. But unfortunately, most of them stopped running mon shortly
after I left. Here's why:


A) Configuration is difficult. I'm not saying mon is sendmail, but
even good experienced Unix admins I've worked with have a hard time
dealing with the configuration file, especially if they're not working
with mon constantly. While m4 can help if used appropriately it adds
its own layer of complexity. Mon really, really needs a good
configuration GUI. I tried to write a GUI a couple of years ago, but
having mon structured around a complicated configuration file makes
this extremely difficult (I'm also a wretched GUI programmer).

B) Installation and upgrading are difficult. Some sort of package
with an install script is sorely needed, and mon needs an appropriate
default installation setup.

C) Maintenance is difficult. Mon is very well designed, but it's a lot
of code in one place.

I don't mean this to be in any way a criticism of the author and other
contributors. Mon has been a good bit of my bread and butter for
the past couple of years. I think mon is a wonderfully conceived
project. The underlying design is simple, robust, efficient and
extensible in the classic Unix sense; but I think some changes in the
implementation would make it far easier to build on and hence far more
popular. Here is my (somewhat radical!) suggestion of how mon might be

1) Break up the mon data structure into the following modules/objects:


The mon configuration file is essentially a stripped-down text
representation of a large and complicated Perl data structure, and I
think this is the natural breakdown if one wanted to modularize it.

Yes, this is a lot of modules, but installation could be simplified by
creating a CPAN bundle. Better yet, mon could come with an install
script that could take a prefix as an argument (like GNU autoconf) and
optionally install all the Mon modules under a private lib directory.
Modularity is generally a good thing, and it would be far easier to
maintain and enhance mon if it were more modular. Discreet chunks of
work could be easily meted out to willing parties.

This would require reworking pieces of the server code, but the
modularity should make the server code much smaller and easier to read
and maintain.

2) Separate the state information from the configuration
information. This is pretty straighforward; the config file holds
configuration information and most of the state information is stored
by the server on the data structure in variables that begin with "_".

3) Use an object persistence mechanism to store the configuration
information in a database. The Tangram module
<http://search.cpan.org/author/JLLEROY/Tangram-2.04/> would be ideal
for this.

Tangram gives each persistent object a unique identifier; all of the
state information could go into a hash keyed on the Tangram OID. For
neatness, this can go into its own module, e.g. Mon::State, and would
only be used by the server.

Tangram will work with any database supported by DBI, and
has rapidly evolving XML support. Since Tangram is layered on top of
an RDBMS, the underlying RDBMS facilities could be used to set up
client views and restrict user access, though making this portable
across database platforms might be complicated.

Yes, this would require separate installation and management of a
database, but it would scale far better than the current monolithic
(sorry for the pun) text-based scheme.

4) Rework the Mon::Client interface to make requests to the server
based on the Tangram OID. Add methods to Mon::Client to reload
and remove objects.

Configuration programs would load the configuration object heirarchy
from the database, make changes to the objects and commit them back to
the database, all via method calls on the objects. They would then
call load/reload/remove methods through the client interface to tell
the mon server to reload or remove the added/changed/deleted object.

Writing configuration clients, either GUI or text-based, would be
straightforward, and changes to an object's configuration would not
require reloading configuration for the whole database; and writing
status clients would not involve parsing complex data structures.

Thanks very much for mon, and please take these suggestions in the
spirit in which they were intended.

Dan Urist
Dan Urist

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