Andrew Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'd be interested to hear what other people think of this. I don't
> think an RDBMS is needed to store configuration information, either
> for ease-of-use or for scalability. If mon has scaling problems,
> which it certainly does when you get into 1000's hosts I would
> suspect, they would be in the runtime area, not in the configuration
> area.

In fact, I suspect the nature of mon's configuration is that it would
require an awful lot of work to shoehorn it into an RDBMS.

At the risk of incurring brickbats, XML might work as an alternate
representation of the config.  But the real problem, as you mentioned,
is not really one of representation, it's one of presentation.

And XML aint' gonna help with that a bit unless people are just stupid
enough to believe that because it's XML its easier than the existing

Of course, they might be that stupid...


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