
Is anyone of you using the samba.monitor for mon?
I have some problems in making it work.
Everytime mon runs, it produces an mail.alert with just telling me the 
name of the host and the service but nothing about the problem.
There is no warning about the service not running or anything else.
This happens regardless if the samba service is running or not.
Anyone out there who can help me ?

The client`s (lamb) mon.cf has the following entry:

watch local-lamb
         service samba
                 interval 10m
                 monitor samba.monitor -d XXXXX -o [Unix] -v 'Samba 
2.2.4 for Debian' lamb
                 period wd{1-7}
                 alert remote.alert -H purcell

The Server "purcell" contains the matching hostgroup and the following 

watch local-lamb
         service samba
                 interval 10m
                 period wd{1-7}
                 alert mail.alert YYYY@XXXXXXXXXX

Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?

Best regards

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