I have installed mon 0.99.2 on a rh 7.3 box, kernel 2.4.18-3. Since I
enabled nscd (2.2.5-34) I have bad problems when nameservers become
non-reachable for a short time (shorter than mon check interval for
them, so that I cannot solve this using mon dependencies -- this happens
when the router becomes overloaded for a short time), nscd caches the
negative entry for a *very*long*time*, so all monitors fail with some
"unknown host" error, even if nameservers are alive and I can get the

 [root@memex mon.d]# host shannon
shannon.sissa.it has address
shannon.sissa.it has address
[root@memex mon.d]# ./fping.monitor shannon

start time: Thu Dec 19 08:55:18 2002
end time  : Thu Dec 19 08:55:18 2002
duration  : 0 seconds

unreachable hosts

address not found for shannon


from my /etc/nscd.conf:

enable-cache            hosts           yes
positive-time-to-live   hosts           3600
negative-time-to-live   hosts           20
suggested-size          hosts           211
check-files             hosts           yes

then, if I
[root@memex mon.d]# nscd --invalidate hosts

everything works fine again.

so what's bad with my setup? 


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