Hello all,

I've been reading this list for a while and also have pored
through the archives but have found nothing that looked like it had
any reference to the problem I've been having so I was wondering if
anyone can help me with it at all.

Whenever I run mon it causes the system it's running on to freeze
up instantly anywhere from a few minutes after it is started to
several days later.  It's instantaneous when it happens, with no
sign of building memory usage or CPU usage before it happens.

I've run mon on two different debian systems.  One is the current
stable the other is the current testing.  stable uses perl 5.6.1,
testing 5.8.0.  Testing is running on an AMD Athlon processor,
stable on a Pentium 4.

Both systems are workstations with X and all sorts of other things
running.  I tried it on these two because I was reluctant to start
out with it on any server until I had tested it, and now that I've
had these problems I'm even more reluctant.

It often happens while I'm doing something and I'll be running the
mouse across the screen and the mouse cursor will just suddenly
stop and that is it.  Then there will be no response from the
system at all.  I cannot ping it, no console or telnet or any other
sessions will show any response and I will have to just push the
big button to recover.

Other times it happens while I am away from the computer and I come
back and it has frozen.  Sometimes it happens just after clicking
to start some application on the desktop.

>From my limited understanding I figure it would have to be a Perl
problem of some sort, but I really can't figure out what.  I have
other perl applications running that never cause anything like

Any thoughts?

Don MacDougall
School of Medicine
University of Southern California

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