Several weeks ago, I asked on this list about a problem I was
having with system crashes when running Mon on two entirely
different systems with the common thread that both were desktop
systems with XFree86 and desktop applications.  I want to thank all
those who responded with help, but report back that I'm afraid I've
given up.  I have had Mon running on a third system which is a
server and does not include any windowing software, and it has run
without incident now for about three weeks.  I can't afford to keep
crashing my desktop systems anymore, so I don't plan to bang my
head against this particular wall any longer.

For the record though, in case anyone looks through the archive for
something like this, I thought I'd send my responses (below) to the
last several suggestions I received, and report that I didn't get
any responses from anyone who reported running Mon on a desktop,
GUI type system either successfully or not.

Thanks again to all.



On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 11:15:50AM +0300, Jani Mikkonen wrote:
> > Any time any application can cause an entire system to freeze I feel the 
> > cause is one of two things.  Either an old buggy kernel, or a hardware 
> > problem that the particular application just happens to trigger.  And in my 
> > 7 years of experience as a programmer and sysadmin, 99% of the time its 
> > hardware.
> Also, in this point as the machine serves as desktop, it would be nice
> to check if it was just X that deadlocked. I've had similar problems
> (But not with mon) and i thought that my machine jammed totally when it
> stopped respondong to *any* keyboard and mouse signals and monitor had
> lot of garbage pixels .. but i tried to connect the machine from network
> via ssh or similar and machine seemed to work nicely.. Killed all my
> processes (owned by my user) and restarted the x and everything was
> set..
> So, if you havent tested it allready, try to connect to your machine
> from network when the problem arises again and see whats going on.

When this happens all activity appears to always ceases
immediately.  I cannot ping the machine or connect from another
machine or make any use of any connection already established.  In
addition to that I am fairly certain that no other activity has
ever taken place after the point when it froze.  No sound from any
disk drive, nothing added to any log file, no mon alerts sent, etc. 
So the whole computer appears to be absolutely dead.


> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Jun 05 12:29:55 2003
> If it is X, the crash will be dependant on the specific hardware,
> configuration, and software versions that you have.  Anything 
> different will not help you out.   

This seems like it would tend against the idea that X is involved
because the two systems that I've tried it on have almost nothing
in common.  Different processors with different chipsets from
different manufacturers, different video adapters and monitors. 

The kernel versions are similar but different minor versions and
compiled for different processors (2.4.18-686 vs. 2.4.20-1-k7 both
compiled with gcc version 2.95.4).  One is running xfree86 version
4.1.0, the other version 4.2.1.

The main reason I suspected X being involved was that it was the
one common element of these two systems which I supposed might
be relatively uncommon for systems that run Mon.  If others have
run Mon on desktop systems with X and a variety of desktop
applications and had no such problems I'd be interested to know

It seems to me that the most likely suspect in this is some bug in
the Perl interpreter which is triggered by something in mon, and
this bug somehow interacts with some element of X to cause a crash.
> One thing you can try is to try to determine one set of actions that
> always crashes the computer, and then try repeating those actions 
> when mon is not running. 

I have been unsuccessful in finding anything that triggers it.  It
seems as best I can tell to be absolutely random.

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