I needed to be able to alarm if we ran out of inodes on our Netapps, so
I took the axe to netappfree.monitor.  I've attached the new version.
Improvements are:

  * inode checking - can check for exceeding NN%, or less than N
  * complain if a non-existent filesystem is in config file.  This
one hit me - we upgraded the Netapp and the name of the filesystem
changed on the new box, it turned out netappfree.monitor had silently
stopped testing it.
  * improved error messages to list the thresholds and other info
  * perl -w compliant.
  * updated internal docs in program

        -- Ed

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Use SNMP to get free disk space or inode status from a Network Appliance
# exit values:
#  1 - free space or inodes on any host dropped below the supplied parameter
#  2 - network or SNMP error (SNMP library error, no response from server)
#  3 - config error - (filesystem in config file does not exist on filer)

#  [--community=<SNMP COMMUNITY>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
#  [--config=/path/to/configfile] [--list]  host1 host2 ...

# --list option will dump current status from requested hosts:
#  netappfree.monitor --list filer1 filer2 filer3
# sample output:
# filer          ONTAP       filesystem         KB total     KB avail   Inode%
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# filer1         6.1.2R3     /vol/vol0/           61092616      6773416    86
# filer1         6.1.2R3     /vol/vol0/.snaps      2545524      1260240     0

# sample invocation in mon.cf, with local MIB directory for the Netapp MIB
# NETWORK-APPLIANCE-MIB.txt (copy from /etc/mib/netapp.mib on filer):
#    service freespace
#    description test freespace and inodes on Netapp filers
#    depend SELF:ping
#    MIBDIRS=/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs
#    interval 7m
#    monitor netappfree.monitor

#  Run "netappfree --list host1 host2 ..." first to get list of filesystems
# and whether inodes are properly reported.  If you don't want to monitor
# inodes for a particular FS, leave tha column blank.
# host          filesystem     freespace      [InodeThreshold]
#                           (in kb, gb, or mb)  (in % or k)
# filer1        /vol/main/       5gb              90%
# filer2        /vol/vol0/       5gb              500k

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Use SNMP to get free disk space or inode status from a Network Appliance
# exit values:
#  1 - free space or inodes on any host dropped below the supplied parameter
#  2 - network or SNMP error (SNMP library error, no response from server)
#  3 - config error - (filesystem in config file does not exist on filer)

#  [--community=<SNMP COMMUNITY>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
#  [--config=/path/to/configfile] [--list]  host1 host2 ...

# --list option will dump current status from requested hosts:
#  netappfree.monitor --list filer1 filer2 filer3
# sample output:
# filer          ONTAP       filesystem         KB total     KB avail   Inode%
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# filer1         6.1.2R3     /vol/vol0/           61092616      6773416    86
# filer1         6.1.2R3     /vol/vol0/.snaps      2545524      1260240     0

# sample invocation in mon.cf, with local MIB directory for the Netapp MIB
# NETWORK-APPLIANCE-MIB.txt (copy from /etc/mib/netapp.mib on filer):
#    service freespace
#    description test freespace and inodes on Netapp filers
#    depend SELF:ping
#    MIBDIRS=/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs
#    interval 7m
#    monitor netappfree.monitor

#  Run "netappfree --list host1 host2 ..." first to get list of filesystems
# and whether inodes are properly reported.  If you don't want to monitor
# inodes for a particular FS, leave tha column blank.
# host          filesystem     freespace      [InodeThreshold]
#                           (in kb, gb, or mb)  (in % or k)
# filer1        /vol/main/       5gb              90%
# filer2        /vol/vol0/       5gb              500k

# This requires the UCD SNMP library and G.S. Marzot's Perl SNMP
# module.
# Originally by Jim Trocki.  Modified by Theo Van Dinter
# ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to add verbose error output,
# more error checking, etc.  Can be used in conjunction with
# snapdelete.alert to auto-remove snapshots if needed.
# Modified December 2003 by Ed Ravin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to add inode
# checking, detect nonexistent filesystem in config file, pass perl -w
# checks, added more info to error messages for clarity, updated doc comments
# above.

# $Id: netappfree.monitor,v 1.2 2003/12/20 20:31:05 root Exp root $
#    Copyright (C) 1998, Jim Trocki
#    Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Theo Van Dinter
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
use SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;

sub list;
sub readcf;
sub toKB;


GetOptions (\%opt, "community=s", "timeout=i", "retries=i", "config=s", "list");

die "no host arguments\n" if (@ARGV == 0);

$RET = 0;
@ERRS = ();
%HOSTS = ();

$COMM = $opt{"community"} || "public";
$TIMEOUT = $opt{"timeout"} || 2; $TIMEOUT *= 1000 * 1000;
$RETRIES = $opt{"retries"} || 5;
$CONFIG = $opt{"config"} || (-d "/etc/mon" ? "/etc/mon" : "/usr/lib/mon/etc")
        . "/netappfree.cf";

($dfIndex, $dfFileSys, $dfKBytesTotal, $dfKBytesAvail,
        $dfInodesFree, $dfPerCentInodeCapacity) = (0..5);

list (@ARGV) if ($opt{"list"});

readcf ($CONFIG) || die "could not read config: $!\n";

foreach $host (@ARGV) {
    next if (!defined $FREE{$host});

    if (!defined($s = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $host,
                Timeout => $TIMEOUT, Community => $COMM,
                Retries => $RETRIES))) {
        $RET = ($RET == 1) ? 1 : 2;
        $HOSTS{$host} ++;
        push (@ERRS, "could not create session to $host: " . $SNMP::Session::ErrorStr);

    $v = new SNMP::VarList (

    if ( $v->[$dfIndex]->tag !~ /^df/ ) {
        push(@ERRS,"OIDs not mapping correctly!  Check that NetApp MIB is available!");
        $RET = 1;

    while (defined $s->getnext($v)) {

        last if ($v->[$dfIndex]->tag !~ /dfIndex/);

        my $filesys= $v->[$dfFileSys]->val;
        next unless exists($FREE{$host}{$filesys});

        if ($v->[$dfKBytesAvail]->val < $FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'bytes'}) {
            $HOSTS{$host} ++;
            push (@ERRS, sprintf ("%1.1fGB free on %s:%s (threshold %1.1fGB, fs size 
                $v->[$dfKBytesAvail]->val / 1024 / 1024,
                $host, $filesys,
                $FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'bytes'} / 1024 / 1024,
                $v->[$dfKBytesTotal]->val / 1024 / 1024)
            $RET = 1;

        # mark filesys entry as seen in filer's MIB
        $FREE{$host}{$v->[$dfFileSys]->val}{'existsOnFiler'}= 1;

        if (defined($FREE{$host}{$v->[$dfFileSys]->val}{'inode'})) {
                my $inodefreewanted= $FREE{$host}{$v->[$dfFileSys]->val}{'inode'}; 
                if (0 < $inodefreewanted and $inodefreewanted < 1) { # percentage?
                        if ($v->[$dfPerCentInodeCapacity]->val > $inodefreewanted * 
100) {  # percentage exceeded?
                                $HOSTS{$host} ++;
                                push (@ERRS, sprintf("%d%% inodes used on %s:%s, over 
threshold of %d%%",
                                        $host,  $v->[$dfFileSys]->val,
                                        $inodefreewanted * 100
                                $RET = 1;

                 elsif ($v->[$dfInodesFree]->val < $inodefreewanted) {
                                $HOSTS{$host} ++;
                                push (@ERRS, sprintf("%1.1f inodes free on %s:%s, 
below threshold of %1.1f",
                                        $host,  $v->[$dfFileSys]->val,
                                $RET = 1;

    if ($s->{ErrorNum}) {
        $HOSTS{$host} ++;
        push (@ERRS, "could not get dfIndex for $host: " . $s->{ErrorStr});
        $RET = ($RET == 1) ? 1 : 2;

foreach $host (@ARGV)
        foreach $filesys (keys %{$FREE{$host}})
                if (! $FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'existsOnFiler'} ) {
                        $HOSTS{$host} ++;
                        push (@ERRS, "filesystem $filesys does not exist on $host");
                        $RET = ($RET == 1) ? 1 : 3;

if ($RET) {
    print join(" ", sort keys %HOSTS), "\n\n", join("\n", @ERRS), "\n";

exit $RET;

# read configuration file
sub readcf {
    my ($f) = @_;
    my ($l, $host, $filesys, $free, $inodefree);

    open (CF, $f) || return undef;
    while (<CF>) {
        next if (/^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/);
        ($host, $filesys, $free, $inodefree) = split;
        if (!defined ($FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'bytes'} = toKB ($free))) {
            die "error free specification, config $f, line $.\n";
        if (!defined ($FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'inode'} = toIN ($inodefree))) {
            # allow this to be optional for compatibility
            # die "error inodefree specification, config $f, line $.\n";
        $FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'existsOnFiler'}= 0;
    close (CF);

sub toKB {
    my ($free) = @_;
    my ($n, $u);

    if ($free =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)(kb|mb|gb)$/i) {
        ($n, $u) = ($1, "\L$2");
    } elsif ($free =~ /^(\d+)(kb|mb|gb)$/i) {
        ($n, $u) = ($1, "\L$2");
    } else {
        return undef;

    return (int ($n * 1024)) if ($u eq "mb");
    return (int ($n * 1024 * 1024)) if ($u eq "gb");
    int ($n);

sub toIN {
        my ($infree) [EMAIL PROTECTED];

        return undef unless defined($infree);

        if ($infree =~ /^(\d+\.?\d+)%$/) {  # percentage
                return $1 / 100;

        if ($infree =~ /^(\d+\.?\d+)(k|kb)$/) {  # kilos?
                return $1 * 1024;
        if ($infree =~ /^(\d+\.?\d+)$/) {  # bare??
                return $1;
        return undef;

sub list {
    my (@hosts) = @_;

    foreach $host (@hosts) {
        if (!defined($s = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $host,
                    Timeout => $TIMEOUT,
                    Community => $COMM,
                    Retries => $RETRIES))) {
            print STDERR "could not create session to $host: " . 
$SNMP::Session::ErrorStr, "\n";

        $ver = $s->get(['sysDescr', 0]);
        $ver =~ s/^netapp.*release\s*([^:]+):.*$/$1/i;

        $v = new SNMP::VarList (

        while (defined $s->getnext($v)) {
            last if ($v->[$dfIndex]->tag !~ /dfIndex/);
    exit 0;

format STDOUT_TOP =
filer            ONTAP       filesystem         KB total     KB avail   Inode%

format STDOUT =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @>>>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>>>>>>   @>>
$host, $ver, $v->[1]->[2], $v->[2]->[2], $v->[3]->[2], $v->[5]->[2]
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