Here's my dilemma:

I need a tool to monitor our network (switches and routers, and some servers). What 
I'm most interested in is downtime for the various devices. This downtime/history 
needs to have a couple of features: 

A) I want to be able to look back and do searches like what devices were down during 
time period x, and why (i.e. have some sort of comments). - this leads me to look for 
something which stores events  in some kind of database, hence my previous posts 
asking if mon has a database back end.

B) I want to be able to have some kind of graphical  graphical display/summary of the 
downtime, so I can print it out or post it on a web-page.

Now, I've looked into mon and there seems to be workarounds to it that will sort of 
fill the above requirements. But I also came across Nagios and am wondering if anyone 
on this list has worked with that and can comment on how the two compare (in general, 
and with respect to my requirements).

Thanks in advance!

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