mon-1-0-0pre1 is the branch name, but i've just tagged the files as of
today mon-1-0-0pre2.

the perl module is also tagged similarly, mon-client-1-0-0pre2.

i've also uploaded the tarballs to

it'll take a little bit before it's pushed out to the mirrors.

i've also noticed that :pserver: access on is a
read-only mirror of the working repository, and that mirror seems to be
updated only daily, so it's likely the changes i've made today (the pre2
stuff) won't show up there until later.

thanks to david nolan for applying his patches to the head branch (if
you don't specify "cvs co -r", this is what you'll get) and to all the
others who have contributed code and patches.

if you have problems with this release, let us know and we'll try to
get the code or docs fixed for the final 1.0.0 release.

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