On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, David Nolan wrote:

> While it doesn't add any bugs, I don't believe it fixes any either. 

it does indeed fix the bug where a received would not reset the _trap_timer,
preventing traptimeout from working at all. i've tested it and it works
properly now.

> Careful reading of the code makes it clear that _trap_timer is only ever 
> relevant after a timeout has already occurred.
> It prevents a timeout alert from happening on every pass through the code.

that is not true. _trap_timer is what counts down timeout counter in the first
place. it is what gauges whether or not a timeout has occurred. once a
timeout happens, as indicated when _trap_timer drops to zero or below, is
that do_alert is called and _trap_timer is then reset to the value of
traptimeout, and it starts counting down again.

what's supposed to prevent _trap_timer from hitting 0 in the first place is
the reception of a trap, and that is what was broken, and the patch i posted
fixes that.

> Therefore the way its implemented is confusing.

ok, i think you may be thinking of some other functionality that i don't know

> If we're going to "fix" this, I'd do one of two things:
> Option 1: make _trap_timer entirely responsible for all trap timeouts by 
> resetting it when a trap is received OR when a timeout happens, and only 
> testing _trap_timer when determining whether or not a timeout has occurred.

well, that's what it does now with this litte patch to handle_trap.

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