Hi Christopher thanks for answering :o)

Quoting Christopher DeMarco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 01:24:17AM +0200, seppo wrote:
> > succeed :/ Is anybody kind enough to  enhance the basic imap.monitor
> > and smtp.monitor for secure usage?
> Please specify  more completely what you're  looking for - do you want
> to check whether the  port is listening or  do you want a deeper check
> where you  actually connect  to  the service  and make sure everything
> looks okay?

I just want a simple check if my imaps and smtps are up and running. What i
actually want is the basic smtp.monitor and imap.monitor functionality changed
for the secure version of it.
> If you simply want to see whether the  service is listening you can do
> a generic  connection and check to see  whether the server's banner is
> what  you expect  - telnet is  least elegant,  netcat  is more so, and
> native Perl code will be best.

I tried using telnet.monitor but i wasn't succesful with it :/ Native Perl code
would be nice, but i've no experience with perl, so that's out of the question too.
> However,  if    you need   to connect    to   the server  and    try a
> challenge-response,  try stunnel (http://www.stunnel.org).  Stunnel is
> a  generic SSL  tunnel which   I believe  understands imaps and  smtps
> natively.    It's  really  easy  to  set    up  and   comes with  good
> documentation.  Set up  stunnel running on  the mon server and connect
> to the local port  to get forwarded,  SSL-encrypted,  to the far  end.
> Good stuff.

Good idea, but the problem is that the server where the mon daemon is running
also has an imaps and smtps service running. So i can't use those local ports. I
could connect on other local ports and tunnel them to the right ports. However i
want this monitor as transparent as it can be, because i regulate my LVS on the
basis of mon. If a service goes down (decided by mon) it just removes the rule
out of my lvs. So to summarize: in order to have a nice clean lvs mon
combination it would be great to have the functionality of the (unsecure) smtp
and imap default monitors for smtps and imaps. 
> Finally,   if  you really  need    custom code,  post your  *SPECIFIC*
> requirements *IN DETAIL* to the list and I'll try to find time to hack
> the monitors for you.  No promises though ;)

That would be great! I have attached both scripts: imap.monitor and
smtp.monitor. My guess is that it isn't that hard, because i already compared
the http.monitor with the https.monitor and they weren't shocking different. You
probably need Net::SSL and change the syntax for the mail server, but don't
stick me to that one, cause i'm a perl noob ;)

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Sebastiaan Veldhuisen
Leiden University
The Netherlands

> -- 
> % You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.
> Christopher DeMarco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
> PGP public key ID 0x2E76CF5C @ keyserver.mit.edu
> +6013 389 5658        

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