ha ha... I finally got it to work! (or rather understood how mon.cgi was 

Lessons learned:
1) read comments carefully - with mon.cgi-1.52, there is a place to comment out 
must_login (in the script) and a place to set it to yes or no (in the separate 
config file)... make sure you do the right thing in the right place.

2) if you do set must_login = no, don't be misled by the login link which still 
appears on the page. This is what was happening to me. I'd set must_login = no 
because of earlier problems, but since the link was working, i was under the 
impression that authentication would be working. But it doesn't, thats why I 
was having my so-called "problem" :) 

Now I don't know if this is a bug per say, or something that needs 
clarification in the documentation.

Anyhow, just thought I'd share the experience in case others make the same 


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