--On Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:41 AM +0100 Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi list,

I'm a new user of Mon and thanks to the doc and the easy configuration
file syntax I now have a working monitoring system for failure detection.

But now I want more :) Are there some couples of monitors/alerts for
"usual" monitoring, i.e. when detected values are in the range of
everything-is-ok but we want Mon to report the activity to a log file
(maybe rrd database for conveniency).

I know this is not the primary usage of Mon, or what I've understood of
it, but it would be useful and seems pretty simple to develop. So before
re-inventing the wheel for the 42th time I prefer asking (yes, I'm lazy).

There are a couple ways you could approach this problem.

You could have your monitor script exit with different error codes, and do different alerting based on the error code. You can accomplish this with either 'alert exit=10-20 foo.alert', available in mon 0.99.2 and newer, which aplies to a single alert within a period, or via 'alertexitrange 10-20', available in mon-1.1.0pre1 which applies to all alerts within a period.

Or you could use 'redistribute foo.alert', available in mon-1.1.0pre1 which causes the configured alert script to get called for every status update. It was designed to allow you to redistribute all status updates to remote systems (other mon hosts, or other monitoring systems). But you could instead make the alert script log values into an rrd or some other operation.


David Nolan <*> [EMAIL PROTECTED] curses: May you be forced to grep the termcap of an unclean yacc while a herd of rogue emacs fsck your troff and vgrind your pathalias!

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