On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, David Nolan wrote:

Or you could use 'redistribute foo.alert', available in mon-1.1.0pre1 which causes the configured alert script to get called for every status update.

i've been working out a feature which does this but per-period rather than per- service. this method seems just a bit more flexible.

in the longer term, the logging issue should be solved differently. i've been
pondering a way to connect global/service/period events to modular loggers,
which would optionally be persistent. i.e. when mon starts up, it will fire up
the various loggers if need be, they will hang around and wait for log messages
to come from the mon server via a tcp socket, a named pipe, whatever. this
would allow you to have a logger that, once started, it connects to some
database such as postgres or mysql, stays connected, and uses that as the
back-end for logging.

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