I followed the suggestion of writing a traphandler for snmptrapd to
send a mon trap. Here is the script:

use Mon::Client;

$mon = new Mon::Client(
    host => "localhost",
    port => 2583,
    username => "mon",
    password => "secret"

chomp($hostname = <>);
chomp($ipaddr = <>);
$detail = "";
while (<>) { $detail .= $_; }

    group => "snmp", 
    service => "trap", 
    retval => 1, 
    opstatus => "unknown", 
    summary => "SNMP trap from $hostname",
    detail => $detail

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, because I see this in the logs but no
alert is ever sent:

Apr  8 16:44:51 gwythaint mon[19720]: trap trap 5 from for
snmp trap, status 1
Apr  8 16:44:51 gwythaint mon[19720]: trap received from for
undefined type trap 5 snmp

Here's the relevant config bit:

watch default
    service default
        description Default trap service
            alert mail.alert fugalh

De gustibus non disputandum est.

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