Here's a little program to integrate snmp traps into your mon setup.
It's meant to be used as an 'EXEC'ed program from snmptt 
(, which does most of the heavy lifting.

I had written something like this in the past that got lost, I'm
sending out this version to the list for storage in contrib/ or, 
minimally, in google's archive :-)

As the comment block says:

# to be used in conjunction with snmptt : it hands us
# the results of an snmp trap and we forward it on in 
# a format mon will understand.
# usage: 
# snmptrap2mon [(--watch|-w) watchname] [(--service|-s) servicename]  
#     [(--host|-h) hostname] [(--name|-n) trapname] [(--time|-t) timestamp] 
#     "Quoted longform text of alert to send" 
# - 'watchname' and 'servicename' should map to your mon config;
#   leave them off and they will be set to 'default'
# - 'host' is the host sending the trap, as best snmptt can tell
# - 'trapname' is the unique string configured for this trap in snmptt.conf
# - 'timestamp' will be the time alert was received/queued ($x or $X)
# Example, from /etc/snmp/snmptt.conf:
#  EVENT communicationLost . "Status Events" CRITICAL
#  FORMAT APC UPS: Communication lost between the agent and the UPS.
#  EXEC snmptrap2mon -w symmetra-ups -s trap -h $A -n $N  \
#    -t "$x" "APC UPS: Communication lost between the agent and the UPS."
# See README.traps in the mon distribution to setup your

  Eric Sorenson - Unix / Networks / MIS Manager - Transmeta Corporation
# to be used in conjunction with snmptt : it hands us
# the results of an snmp trap and we forward it on in 
# a format mon will understand.

# usage: 
# snmptrap2mon [(--watch|-w) watchname] [(--service|-s) servicename]  
#     [(--host|-h) hostname] [(--name|-n) trapname] [(--time|-t) timestamp] 
#     "Quoted longform text of alert to send" 
# - 'watchname' and 'servicename' should map to your mon config;
#   leave them off and they will be set to 'default'
# - 'host' is the host sending the trap, as best snmptt can tell
# - 'trapname' is the unique string configured for this trap in snmptt.conf
# - 'timestamp' will be the time alert was received/queued ($x or $X)
# Example, from /etc/snmp/snmptt.conf:
#  EVENT communicationLost . "Status Events" CRITICAL
#  FORMAT APC UPS: Communication lost between the agent and the UPS.
#  EXEC snmptrap2mon -w symmetra-ups -s trap -h $A -n $N  \
#    -t "$x" "APC UPS: Communication lost between the agent and the UPS."
# See README.traps in the mon distribution to setup your

use Carp;
use Mon::Client;
use Getopt::Std;


my $detail = join(" ",@ARGV);

my $monhost = '';
my $monport = 2583;

my $watch = $opt_w or 'default';
my $service = $opt_s or 'default';

my $status = $opt_u ? 'ok' : 'fail' ;

croak "Need all of -h, -n and -t" unless (defined $opt_h and 
    defined $opt_n and defined $opt_t);

my $alerthost = $opt_h;
my $alertname = $opt_n;
my $alerttime = $opt_t;

my $summary = "$alertname trap from $alerthost at $alerttime";

$mon = new Mon::Client( host => $monhost, port => $monport );

croak "Couldn't make a new Mon::Client to $monhost on $monport" 
    unless $mon;

$t = $mon->send_trap(group => $watch, 
                     service => $service,
                     retval => 1, 
                     opstatus => $status, 
                     summary => $summary, 
                     detail => $detail,

exit ( $t );
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