I finally got around to updating snmpdiskspace.monitor, and I looked
over Hans's suggestions for changes and implemented most of them:

* added "--version" option for specifying the SNMP version when
starting the SNMP session.  Default is version 1.

* added "--disktypematch" option for which disk types in the Host/Perf
mibs will be monitored.  Default is '4' (fixed disk only), change to
things like '[2-4]' to also see memory and swap.  I consider
this syntax a bug, but I didn't have the time to code anything more
sophisticated.  The syntax is documented in the source code.

* added "--ucddisktype" option.  This controls which disk devices
reported by the UCD MIB (like /dev/ide0, /dev/raid1) will be monitored.
I also added "xbd" (Xen block device) to the default list of devices.

I didn't implement Hans's solution for the "5% of space reserved for
root" problem, since it raises several problems - some sysadmins may
have created their filesystems with a different reservation percentage,
some SNMP agents may report space without including the "reserved"
area, and most of all, everyone already using snmpdiskspace.monitor
has compensated for this in some way.

Thanks to Hans for the original patches and suggestions.  I believe I've
implemented things in a way that won't break any existing setups - if
folks could try out the attached snmpdiskspace.monitor and see if that
is indeed the case, it would be appreciated.

        -- Ed

On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 03:11:57PM +0100, Hans Kinwel wrote:
> As a long time user of the snmpdiskspace.monitor, I was misled everytime 
> an alert went of, as it reported significantly more "disk free" then 
> available.
> Cause was that ext2/ext3 filesystems reserves 5 % for emergencies, ie
> root usage only.  This diskspace is not available to the general user
> ("df" doesn't see it), but according to SNMP this diskspace is unused
> and hence snmpdiskspace.monitor reports much more disk free then is 
> available in reality.  The problem is of course that recipients of the 
> alert think the amount of diskspace still suffices, while in reality the 
> situation is more urgent than it looks.
> The solution turns out te be really simple: check if the filesystem is
> ext2/ext3 and reduce the total diskspace by 5 % in the
> snmpdiskspace.monitor.  This is indeed the correct calculation for 
> calculating the true numbers.  Alerts now generated correspond with what 
> one sees with "df".
#  snmpdiskspace.monitor
#  snmpdiskspace.monitor [--list] [--timeout seconds] [--config filename]
#                        [--community string] [--free minfree] 
#                        [--ucddiskmatch regexp] [--disktypematch '(N|N|...)']
#                        [--version N] [--ifree]
#                        [--retries retries] [--usemib <mibtype>] host...
#  This script uses the Host Resources MIB (RFC1514), and optionally
#  the MS Windows NT Performance MIB, or UCD-SNMP extensions
#  (enterprises.ucdavis.dskTable.dskEntry) to monitor diskspace on hosts
#  via SNMP.
#  snmpdiskspace.monitor uses a config file to allow the specification of
#  minimum free space on a per-host and per-partition basis. The config 
#  file allows the use of regular expressions, so it is quite flexible in
#  what it can allow. See the sample config file for more details and
#  syntax.
#  The script tries to check only physical filesystems (i.e. we don't
#  want to check if a CD-ROM is full), and digs into the MIB to see
#  which type the disk is.  If you are using the HOST MIB, use
#  the "--disktypematch" option to choose which storage types
#  you want to monitor - the default is "4" for "FixedDisk".  If you
#  are using the UCD MIB, the script looks at the device the disk is
#  mounted on and compares it against a list of "physical disk" types.
#  Again, you can use the command line ("--uscddiskmatch") to override.
#  The Empire SNMP agent supplies the HOST MIB and works well with
#  this script.

#  The UCD MIB includes inode monitoring, which is important in many
#  applications.  The HOST MIB shows memory, swap, and possibly other
#  filesystem types like floppy disk or RAMdisk that are ignored by
#  the UCD MIB.

#  snmpdiskspace.monitor is intended for use as a monitor for the mon
#  network monitoring package.

#  WARNING - Unix typically "reserves" 5% of free space on a disk (though
#  this is configurable at filesystem creation time) for the root user,
#  so normal users may see "disk full" errors even when the disk is 5%
#  free.  You may want to adjust your warning thresholds accordingly. 

#  --community   The SNMP community string to use. Default is "public".
#                Can also be specified via the COMMUNITY environment var
#  --config      The config file to use. Default is either 
#                /etc/mon/snmpdiskspace.cf or 
#                /usr/lib/mon/mon.d/snmpdiskspace.cf, in that order.
#  --retries     The number of retries to use, if we get an SNMP timeout.
#                Default is retry 5 times.
#  --timeout     Seconds to wait before declaring a timeout on an SNMP get.
#                Default is 20 seconds.
#  --free        The default minimum free space, in a percentage or absolute
#                quantity, as per the config file. Thus, arguments of, for
#                example, "20%", "1gb", "50mb" are all valid.
#                Default is 5% free on every partition checked.
#  --ifree       The default minimum free inode percentage, specified as
#                a percentage.  Default is 5% free.
#  --list        Give a verbose listing of all partitions checked on all 
#                specified hosts.
#  --listall     like --list, but also lists the thresholds defined for
#                each filesystem, so you can doublecheck the config file
#  --usemib      Choose which MIB to use: one or more of host, perf, ucd
#                Default tries all three, in that order
#  --ucddiskmatch regexp to specify which disk devices in the UCD MIB should
#                be considered as physical disks.
#  --disktypematch Specify (by the last component of the OID, a decimal
#                number) the disk types to be monitored when using the MS
#                Perf MIB or the HOST MIB.
#  --debug       enable debug output for config file parsing, MIB fetching,
#                and which filesystems are selected for monitoring.
#  Exit status is as follows:
#    0     No problems detected.
#    1     Free space on any host was below the supplied parameter.
#    2     A "soft" error occurred, either a SNMP library error, 
#          or could not get a response from the server. 
#  In the case where both a soft error and a freespace violation are
#  detected, exit status is 1.
# When using the net-snmp agent, you must build it with "--with-dummy-values"
# or the monitor may not parse the Host Resources MIB properly.
# The disk types for the HOST/Perf MIBs should be configured in English
# rather than exposing the OIDs to the end user.
# $Id: snmpdiskspace.monitor,v 1.5 2005/01/13 23:40:35 root Exp root $

#  * disk types now configurable via command line.  Added SNMP
#  version, updated comments. [EMAIL PROTECTED] March 2006
#  * Added support for inode status via UCD-SNMP MIB.  Fourth column in config
#  file (optional) is for inode%.
#  * added --debug and --usemib options.  Latter needed so you can force use
#  of UCD mib if you want inode status.
#  * rearranged the error messages to be more Mon-like (hostname first)
#  * added code to synchronize instance numbers when using UCD MIB.  This
#  could solve the "sparse MIB" problem usually fixed by the
#  --with-dummy-values option in net-snmp if needed for other agents
#  Ed Ravin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), January 2005
#  Added support for regex hostnames and partition names in the config file,
#  'use strict' by andrew ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
#  Generalised to handle multible mibs by jens persson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#  Changes Copyright (C) 2000, jens persson
#  Modified for use with UCD-SNMP by Johannes Walch for 
#  Support for UCD's disk MIB added by Matt Simonsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#  mon: http://www.kernel.org/software/mon/
#  This requires the UCD SNMP library and G.S. Marzot's Perl SNMP
#  module. (http://ucd-snmp.ucdavis.edu and CPAN, respectively).
#  The Empire SystemEdge SNMP agent: http://www.empire.com
#    Copyright (C) 1998, Jim Trocki
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
use strict;
use SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;

sub readcf;
sub toBytes;
sub get_values;

# setup what mibs to use
# $ENV{"MIBS"} = 

my %opt;

# parse the commandline
GetOptions (\%opt, "community=s", "timeout=i", "retries=i", "config=s",
        "list", "listall", "free=i", "ifree=n", "usemib=s", "debug",
        "ucddiskmatch=s", "disktypematch=s", "version=i");

die "No host arguments given!\n" if (@ARGV == 0);

my $RET = 0;   #exit value of script
my @ERRS = (); # array holding detail output
my @HOSTS = ();  # array holding summary output
my @cfgfile = ();  #array holding contents of config file

# Read in defaults
my $COMM                = $opt{"community"} || $ENV{"COMMUNITY"} || "public";
my $TIMEOUT     = $opt{"timeout"} * 100000 || 2000000;   #default timeout is 20 
my $RETRIES     = $opt{"retries"} || 5;
my $CONFIG      = $opt{"config"} || (-d "/etc/mon" ? "/etc/mon" : 
    . "/snmpdiskspace.cf";
my $DISKFREE  = $opt{"free"}  || -5;   #default max % full is 95%
my $INODEFREE = $opt{"ifree"} ||  5;   #default max % inode full is 95%
my $USEMIB= $opt{"usemib"} || "host perf ucd";

my $LIST= $opt{"list"} || $opt{"listall"} || 0;
my $LISTALL= $opt{"listall"} || 0;
my $DEBUG= $opt{"debug"} || 0;

my $SNMPVERSION= $opt{"version"} || 1;

# It's a pain to figure out what disks are local and which are networked
# or virtual (like loopback mounts) or uninteresting (like CD-ROMs).
# Reasonable defaults are set below, fine-tune them via the command line
# as necessary.

# for the UCD MIB, try to match on the disk device (i.e. /dev/md0b):
my $UCDDISKMATCH=  $opt{"ucddiskmatch"} || '\b(md|hd|wd|sd|ida|raid|xbd)';

# for the HOST and PERF MIBs, match on the last component of the OID
# for hrStorageType that describes the type:
#  1 = Other
#  2 = RAM
#  3 = VirtualMemory (Swap)
#  4 = FixedDisk
#  5 = RemoveableDisk
#  6 = FloppyDisk
#  7 = CompactDisc
#  8 = RamDisk
#  9 = FlashMemory
# 10 = NetworkDisk

# so to match swap and fixed disks, set this to '(3|4)' on the command line
# or set to '\d+' to match all types.  Watch the quoting!
my $DISKTYPEMATCH= $opt{"disktypematch"} || '4';

my ($host, $checkval, $icheckval, %FREE, $disk, @disklist, $cfgline);

# read the config file
if ( !readcf ($CONFIG) ) {
    # not being able to read config file shouldn't be a fatal, since we
    # have defaults we can use.
    print STDERR "readcf: Could not read config file $CONFIG: $!\n";

# now do the checks for each host
foreach $host (@ARGV) {

    # fetch the info from the computers
    @disklist = get_values($host);
    next unless (@disklist) && (ref($disklist[0]) eq "ARRAY");    #make sure we 
got an OK return value from get_values before going any further

    # Now check each partition 
    foreach $disk (@disklist) {
        undef $checkval ;
        undef $icheckval ;

        # Go through the config file line by line until we 
        # find a match for this host/partition. Stop as soon
        # as we find a match.
        foreach $cfgline (@cfgfile) {
            if ( ($host =~ m/^$cfgline->[0]$/) &&
                 ($disk->[2] =~ m/^$cfgline->[1]$/)
                 ) {
                print STDERR "'$host' matched /^$cfgline->[0]\$/ or 
'$disk->[2]' matched /^$cfgline->[1]\$/, using checkval $cfgline->[2]\n" if 
                $checkval = $cfgline->[2] ;
                $icheckval= $cfgline->[3] ;

        # Set to default otherwise
        $checkval = $DISKFREE unless defined($checkval);
        $icheckval= $INODEFREE unless defined($icheckval);
        $icheckval=~ s/%$//;

        # do the checking, first absolute and then percentage
        next if $checkval == 0 && $icheckval == 0;  # nothing to check: ignore
        my $hostfailed= 0;
        if (($checkval > 0) && ($disk->[0] <$checkval)) {
                push (@ERRS,sprintf("%s: filesystem %s is (%1.1f%% full), 
%1.0fMB free (below threshold %1.0fMB free)",
                    $host , $disk->[2] , $disk->[1] , $disk->[0] / 1048576, 
$checkval / 1048576 ));
        } elsif (($checkval < 0) && ($disk->[1] - $checkval >=100)) {
                push (@ERRS,sprintf("%s: filesystem %s is (%1.1f%% full), 
%1.0fMB free (below threshold %s%% free)",
                    $host , $disk->[2] , $disk->[1] , $disk->[0] / 1048576, 
abs($checkval) ));

        if (($icheckval > 0) && ($disk->[3] ne "N/A") && (100 - $disk->[3]) < 
$icheckval ) {
                push (@ERRS, sprintf ("%s: filesystem %s has %1.1f%% inodes 
free (below threshold %s%% inodes free)",
                $host, $disk->[2], 100 - $disk->[3], $icheckval ));
        if ($hostfailed)
                push (@HOSTS, $host);
                $RET = 1;

        # if the user want a listing, then the user will get a listing :-)
            write if ($LIST or $LISTALL);
            if ($LISTALL) {
            printf("   Will alarm if MB free declines below threshold %1.0fMB 
free\n", $checkval / 1048576) if $checkval > 0;
            printf("   Will alarm if %%free space declines below threshold 
%1.1f%% free\n", abs($checkval)) if $checkval < 0;
            printf("   No free space alarm defined in config file.\n") if 
$checkval == 0;
            printf("   Will alarm if %%free inodes declines below %1.1f%%\n", 
$icheckval) if $icheckval > 0;
            printf("   No %%inodes free alarm defined in config file.\n") if 
$icheckval == 0;
            printf("   WARNING: Unable to alarm on inodes free, dskPercentNode 
not found in MIB\n") if $disk->[3] eq "N/A" and $icheckval > 0;

if ($LIST or $LISTALL) {
    print "\n\n";

# Uniq the array of failures, so multiple failures on a single host
# are reported in the details section (lines #2-infinity) but not
# in the summary (line #1).
# Then print out the failures, if any.
my %saw;
undef %saw;
@HOSTS = keys %saw;

if ($RET) {
    print "@HOSTS\n";
    print "\n";
    print join("\n", @ERRS), "\n";

exit $RET;

# read configuration file
sub readcf {
    my ($f) = @_;
    my ($l, $host, $filesys, $free, $ifree);

    open (CF, $f) || return undef;
    while (<CF>) {
        next if (/^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/);
        ($host, $filesys, $free, $ifree) = split;
#       if (!defined ($FREE{$host}{$filesys} = toBytes ($free))) {
                 if (!push (@cfgfile, [$host , $filesys , toBytes ($free), 
$ifree || 0]) ) {
            die "error free specification, config $f, line $.\n";
                 print STDERR "cf: assigned host=$host, filesys=$filesys, 
free=$free, ifree=$ifree\n" if $DEBUG;
    close (CF);

sub toBytes {
    # take a string and parse it as folows
    # N      return N
    # N kb   return N*1024
    # N mb   return N*1024^2
    # N gb   return N*1024^3
    # N %    return -N
    my ($free) = @_;
    my ($n, $u);

    if ($free =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)(kb|mb|gb|%|)$/i) {
        ($n, $u) = ($1, "\L$2");
    } elsif ($free =~ /^(\d+)(kb|mb|gb|%|)$/i) {
        ($n, $u) = ($1, "\L$2");
    } else {
        return undef;

    return (int ($n * -1)) if ($u eq "%");
    return (int ($n * 1024 )) if ($u eq "kb");
    return (int ($n * 1024 * 1024)) if ($u eq "mb");
    return (int ($n * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) if ($u eq "gb");
    int ($n);

# Do the work of trying to get the data from the host via SNMP
sub get_values {
    my ($host) = @_;

    my ($v,$s);
    if (!defined($s = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $host,
                Timeout => $TIMEOUT, Community => $COMM,
                Version => $SNMPVERSION,
                Retries => $RETRIES))) {
        $RET = ($RET == 1) ? 1 : 2 ;
        push (@HOSTS, $host);
        push (@ERRS, "$host: could not create session: " . $s->{ErrorStr});
        return undef;

    # First we try to use the Host mib (RFC1514)
    # supported by net-snmpd on most platforms, see http://www.net-snmp.org
    # You can also use the Empire (http://www.empire.com) 
    # SNMP agent to provide hostmib support on UNIX and NT.

    if ($USEMIB =~ /host/i)

            $v = new SNMP::VarList (

            while (defined $s->getnext($v)) {
                last if ($v->[0]->tag !~ /hrStorageIndex/);
                $Type               = $v->[1]->val;
                $Descr              = $v->[2]->val;
                $AllocationUnits    = $v->[3]->val;
                $Size               = $v->[4]->val;
                $Used               = $v->[5]->val;

                $Freespace = (($Size - $Used) * $AllocationUnits);
                print STDERR "Found HOST MIB filesystem: Type=$Type, 
Descr=$Descr, AllocationUnits=$AllocationUnits, Size=$Size, Used=$Used\n" if 

                # This next check makes sure we're only looking at the desired 
                # devices. "FixedDevice" is type (4). For comparison, Physical 
                # RAM is 2, Virtual Memory is 3,  Floppy Disk is 6, and CD-ROM 
is 7
                # Using the Empire agent, this will eliminate drive types other
                # than hard disks. The UCD agent is not as good as determining
                # drive types under the HOST mib.
                next if ($Type !~ 
                if ($Size != 0) {
                    $Percent= ($Used / $Size) * 100.0;
                } else {
                push (@disklist,[$Freespace,$Percent,$Descr, "N/A"]);
                print STDERR "Using HOST MIB filesystem:  $Descr ($Type)\n" if 

            if (@disklist) {
                return @disklist;

    # Then we test the perfmib from M$ NT resource kit
    # I'm using the agent/mib-defs from
    # http://www.wtcs.org/snmp4tpc/
    # for somereason every second request fails,
    # so we fetch the variables twice and discards 
    # the bad ones

    if ($USEMIB =~ /perf/i)

            $v = new SNMP::VarList (

            while (defined $s->getnext($v)) {
                # Make sure we are still in relevant portion of MIB
                last if ($v->[1]->val !~ 
                last if ($v->[0]->val =~ /Total/);
                $Descr          = ( $v->[0]->val =~ /.*:.*:(\w+:)$/gi)[-1] ;
                $Percent        = $v->[2]->val;
                $Freespace      = $v->[4]->val * 1024 * 1024;
                push (@disklist,[$Freespace,$Percent,$Descr, "N/A"]);
                print STDERR "Using PERF MIB filesystem: $Descr, 
$Freespace,$Percent\n" if $DEBUG;
            if (@disklist) {
                return @disklist;
    #Try UCD-SNMP .enterprises.ucdavis.dskTable.dskEntry MIB extrnsion
    # Comes with UCD-SNMP / net-snmp

    if ($USEMIB =~ /ucd/i)
            $v = new SNMP::VarList (

            while (defined $s->getnext($v)) {
                last if ($v->[0]->tag !~ /dskIndex/);  # end of MIB?

                my $instancenum= $v->[0]->iid;  # what instance number?

                # check for partial fetches (like swap partition) that won't
                # return all the MIB entries

                if ($v->[2]->iid != $instancenum or
                    $v->[3]->iid != $instancenum or
                    $v->[5]->iid != $instancenum)
                    # ignore this instance and try to move on to next
                    # we wouldn't need this if use-dummy-values really worked
                    $v = new SNMP::VarList (
                        ['dskIndex', $instancenum],
                        ['dskPath', $instancenum],
                        ['dskPercent', $instancenum],
                        ['dskAvail', $instancenum],
                        ['dskDevice', $instancenum],
                        ['dskPercentNode', $instancenum],

                $Descr              = $v->[1]->val;
                $Percent           = $v->[2]->val;
                $Freespace         = $v->[3]->val;
                $Freespace         *= 1024; #Convert from kbytes to bytes to 
make consistent
                $Type              = $v->[4]->val;
                $InodePercent      = $v->[5]->val;

                print STDERR "Found UCD MIB filesystem: Type=$Type, 
Descr=$Descr, Percent=$Percent, Freespace=$Freespace, 
InodePercent=$InodePercent\n" if $DEBUG;

                # Try to catch only local filesystems.  User can override on 
cmd line
                next unless ( $Type =~ m/$UCDDISKMATCH/ ) ;

                print STDERR "Using UCD MIB filesystem:  $Descr ($Type)\n" if 
                push (@disklist,[$Freespace,$Percent,$Descr, $InodePercent]);

            if (@disklist) {
                return @disklist;

    #Check for errors
    if ($s->{ErrorNum}) {
        push (@HOSTS, $host);
        push (@ERRS, "$host: could not get SNMP info: " . $s->{ErrorStr});
        $RET = ($RET == 1) ? 1 : 2 ;
        return undef;

    # Check for OID not found
    push (@HOSTS, $host);
    push (@ERRS, "$host: Disk space OIDs not found in MIB(s): $USEMIB");
    $RET = ($RET == 1) ? 1 : 2 ;
    return undef;


# format specifications, should be able to cut, paste and edit into a config 
format STDOUT_TOP =
System           Description                    % Used    Free space     Inode%

format STDOUT =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @###.# %  @#######.# mb @>>>>>>
$host,           $disk->[2],                    $disk->[1], 
$disk->[0]/1024/1024,  ( $disk->[3] ne "N/A" ? ($disk->[3] + 0) . "%" : "N/A")
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