On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, David Nolan wrote:

> My best summary of Mon is that its monitoring for sysadmins.

i totally concur with david. what he said is spot-on.

i will add a few things, though:

the design of mon is extremely flexible, and was purposefully built the way it
was in order to leverage other tools which already exist. it follows the
traditional Unix design philosophy, which i think is the most elegant system
design in existence to this very day. it is all about having a mechanism to
connect together lots of smaller tools which do one job very well in order to
solve larger problems, rather than writing a large tool for each new problem.

you can also think of this design in terms of using natural language, words and
grammar to phrase something you want to say. perl itself also follows this
model. larry wall is a linguist (a cunning one at that, sorry couldn't resist
the pun), and he applied that to perl.

for example, mon leverages fping, the net-snmp tools, traceroute, rrdtool, etc.
another example of mon's flexibility is how an on-call notification system with
escalation was added without changing anything in mon at all, it was just a
matter of writing a custom alert and plugging it in to your mon configuration
file with the correct grammar.

in order to get a good idea of how mon works, i would recommend
reading the slides from this presentation:


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