
I am using Monit version 5.25.1

My config is:

check process unicorn_master_myapp
  with pidfile /var/run/services/unicorn_myapp.pid
  start program = "/bin/bash -c '/services/bin/app_myapp start'"
    as uid deploy and gid deploy
    stop program = "/bin/bash -c '/services/bin/app_myapp stop'"
    as uid deploy and gid deploy
  if mem > 350 MB for 2 cycles then restart
  if cpu > 100% for 2 cycles then restart
  group unicorn_myapp

check process unicorn_myapp_worker0
  with pidfile /var/run/services/unicorn_worker_myapp_0.pid
  if mem > 350.0 MB for 8 cycles then exec "/bin/bash -c '/bin/kill -TERM `cat 
/var/run/services/unicorn_worker_myapp_0.pid` && sleep 1'"
  group unicorn_myapp

check process unicorn_myapp_worker1
  with pidfile /var/run/services/unicorn_worker_myapp_1.pid
  if mem > 350.0 MB for 8 cycles then exec "/bin/bash -c '/bin/kill -TERM `cat 
/var/run/services/unicorn_worker_myapp_1.pid` && sleep 1'"
  group unicorn_myapp

Unicorn has a master process then each worker has another.

In this case if the master process is above 350MB for 2 cycles it has to be 

Now the workers has a limit of 8 cycles.

My question is:

I am seeing workers being killed after 2 cycles.
Is it intentional as the check on group unicorn_myapp is in some kind 
overwriting the later ones?

What I may be missing?

Thank You,
Carlos Cano

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