
The details are not clear so I cannot identify how TextInfo.ToLower()
caused the problem precisely. But I fixed some that _might_ have
caused it, so can you try again with the latest svn?

It never happens on xsp test pages and we don't know your website's
details. So there is no way to identify more...

Atsushi Eno

> Help Please,
> My site is down.
> I just pulled down the latest code form svn and now
> only 1 of my web sites works, whichever one is
> requested first. I think this is a regression as I
> recall this problem in a previous version of mono.
> I have 2 sites
> http://www.mojoportal.com
> http:/www.joeaudette.com
> running on Suse 9.2 with mono 1.1.7 rev 43090
> Whichever one I request first after restarting apache
> works and the othe site gets this error:
> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not
> set to an instance of an object
> in <0x00020> System.Globalization.TextInfo:ToLower
> (Char c)
> in (wrapper delegate-invoke)
> System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_char_char (char)
> in <0x00068>
> System.Globalization.TextInfo:Transliterate
> (System.String s, System.Globalization.CharConverter
> convert)
> in <0x00016> System.Globalization.TextInfo:ToLower
> (System.String s)
> in <0x00049> System.String:ToLower
> (System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
> in <0x000a1>
> System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider:GetHashCode
> (System.Object obj)
> in <0x0002e> System.Collections.Hashtable:GetHash
> (System.Object key)
> in <0x00076> System.Collections.Hashtable:PutImpl
> (System.Object key, System.Object value, Boolean
> overwrite)
> in <0x00015> System.Collections.Hashtable:set_Item
> (System.Object key, System.Object value)
> in <0x0002e>
> System.Web.Configuration.CompilerCollection:set_Item
> (System.String language,
> System.Web.Configuration.Compiler value)
> in <0x00158>
> System.Web.Configuration.CompilationConfigurationHandler:ReadCompilers
> (System.Xml.XmlNodeList nodes,
> System.Web.Configuration.CompilationConfiguration
> config)
> in <0x002c9>
> System.Web.Configuration.CompilationConfigurationHandler:Create
> (System.Object parent, System.Object context,
> System.Xml.XmlNode section)
> in <0x00161>
> System.Web.Configuration.ConfigurationData:GetConfigInternal
> (System.String sectionName, System.Web.HttpContext
> context, Boolean useLoc)
> in <0x00080>
> System.Web.Configuration.ConfigurationData:GetConfigOptLocation
> (System.String sectionName, System.Web.HttpContext
> context, Boolean useLoc)
> in <0x0026c>
> System.Web.Configuration.ConfigurationData:GetConfig
> (System.String sectionName, System.Web.HttpContext
> context)
> in <0x000e1>
> System.Web.Configuration.ConfigurationData:GetConfigInternal
> (System.String sectionName, System.Web.HttpContext
> context, Boolean useLoc)
> in <0x00080>
> System.Web.Configuration.ConfigurationData:GetConfigOptLocation
> (System.String sectionName, System.Web.HttpContext
> context, Boolean useLoc)
> in <0x0026c>
> System.Web.Configuration.ConfigurationData:GetConfig
> (System.String sectionName, System.Web.HttpContext
> context)
> in <0x00061>
> System.Web.Configuration.WebDefaultConfig:GetConfig
> (System.String sectionName, System.Web.HttpContext
> context)
> in <0x00017>
> System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationSettings:GetConfig
> (System.String sectionName, System.Web.HttpContext
> context)
> in <0x0000d> System.Web.HttpContext:GetConfig
> (System.String name)
> in <0x00028>
> System.Web.Configuration.CompilationConfiguration:GetInstance
> (System.Web.HttpContext context)
> in <0x0001a>
> System.Web.UI.BaseParser:get_CompilationConfig ()
> in <0x00132> System.Web.UI.TemplateParser:.ctor ()
> in <0x0000a> System.Web.UI.ApplicationFileParser:.ctor
> (System.String fname, System.Web.HttpContext context)
> in <0x00034> 
> System.Web.UI.ApplicationFileParser:GetCompiledApplicationType
> (System.String inputFile, System.Web.HttpContext
> context)
> in <0x0002d>
> System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:CompileApp
> (System.Web.HttpContext context)
> in <0x00038>
> System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:InitializeFactory
> (System.Web.HttpContext context)
> in <0x0006e>
> System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:GetInstance
> (System.Web.HttpContext context)
> in <0x000e6>
> System.Web.HttpRuntime:InternalExecuteRequest
> (System.Web.HttpWorkerRequest request)
> Any help much aprreciated. 
> Joe Audette
> joe_audette [at] yahoo dotcom
> http://www.joeaudette.com
> http://www.mojoportal.com
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