Hi Ted,

Did you forget to copy the *.dll.config files that tell mono how to
link against native non-windows libraries?

See http://www.mono-project.com/Interop_with_Native_Libraries for details.

This is the authoritative summary on the subject and I can't think of
a good reason for some people missing it on Mono's site.

Should we have a prominent page on the site for a Quick Course on
"Wiki Navigation" or "Googling the Web"?


Sorry for the rant, possibly I'm not thinking straight today.

Lets cheer up,


On 7/21/05, ted leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This version (of SDL.NET) has a script directory that you run to make a 
> project for sharpdev or monodev
> i made for monodev (all though i have never used it, use slick-edit for dev),
> the script assumed the exe would run right away, so i needed to add  "mono " 
> in front of it
> as i dont have my kernel mod'd to run a mono.exe right away.
> Then when i started monodevelop and loaded in the project it made for me for 
> monodevelop ..
> it still has windows pathing in it that caused errors,
> Really seems to me this SDL.NET  project is very Windows flavoured!
> I don't know monodevelop ......
> Can someone build a workable SDL.NET (for/on linux) for me and send it or 
> post it up somewhere?
> Having said that, I can't help but think that even this newer version, if i 
> was to sucessfully build it,
> wouldn't it too still want to find/link to something other then SDL.dll ?
> I dont see all the DllImport attributes in this newer version either ... 
> making me think this isn't
> destin to be built  using mono to target linux, but for mono to target .Net 
> on Win32 OS?
> Just to be sure here - there is a SDL.NET build FOR Mono on Linux right, if 
> anyone is using it ...
> can they please come forward :)   ?
> -tl
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 03:36:48PM +1200, David Mitchell wrote:
> > Try this:
> >
> > http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/cs-sdl/SdlDotNet-3.1.2-1.zip?download
> >
> > Looks like the latest linux version to me.
> >
> > David
> >
> > ted leslie wrote:
> > >(After my preamble, I am essentially asking .. how does a wrapper to
> > >.Net/Mono work .....)
> > >
> > >There must not be to many people writting cross platform apps
> > >that need sound? Searching for sound (audio, mp3, sound) on
> > >mono-project.com via mail list, etc
> > >returns almost nothing.
> > >
> > >Anyways I came across SDL on the Resources page!!!! wow!!! this will solve
> > >my problems!
> > >
> > >I go to   cs-sdl.sourceforge.net
> > >and check it out,
> > >It has SDL.NET for Win32 and Linux (mono is supported, it says)
> > >So i download the support libraries for SDL.NET which are the traditional
> > >SDL libs .. put them on Win32 and updated
> > >my ones on my Suse box.
> > >I ran the Examples just fine on Win32
> > >
> > >Now on to Linux and Mono ...............
> > >
> > >First off the latest SDL.NET downloads on sourceforge seem to be for Win32
> > >only (as an aside they have a nice installer that does everything for you
> > >on the Win32 side of things)
> > >
> > >So i dig back a COUPLE years and get a gz file (of SDL.NET) that has linux
> > >support
> > >     (incidently i see screen caps in SDL.NET project page of SDL apps
> > >     running on linux so even thought
> > >             the linux support in the project seems old, it infact looks
> > >             like it run and works)
> > >
> > >I build the SDL.NET on Linux (using latest stable release Mono), but there
> > >is an error in the Makefile,
> > >the pathing slash is of the windows variety (hmmmmm...?), so i fix that
> > >and Makefile the SDL.NET DLL's
> > >and the examples.
> > >
> > >The Examples compile/build fine but the give a Mono runtime error that
> > >they can't
> > >find System DLL:SDL.dll
> > >
> > >
> > >>--An exception was thrown by the type initializer for SdlDotNet.Music
> > >>---> System.DllNotFoundException: SDL.dll
> > >
> > >
> > >So this is were I hit a dead end because I don't know anything about
> > >.Net/C# wrappers to traditional C based libraries on Linux.
> > >I looked at the gtk-sharp wrapper (cause i know it works), I see a mixer
> > >of C and CS files and traditional
> > >gcc references in makefiles, but basically it looks like a big job to
> > >figure out gtk-sharp's process of a wrapper.
> > >
> > >On that note, is there a doucmentation section somewhere on that - i.e.
> > >building wrappers?
> > >
> > >To me, I am thinking in the end SDL.NET has to get hold of the routines in
> > >the
> > >SDL ".so" file right?
> > >how does that happen? I know how it happens in a traditional C/gcc
> > >compile, link, create a .so file, and compile your apps with dynamic
> > >support againt the ".so" ....  what bit of magic get Mono to see/do that
> > >(with its wrapper)?
> > >
> > >I check around the SDL.NET code and see in the Natives.cs file this:
> > >
> > >                const string SDL_DLL = "SDL";
> > >                const string MIX_DLL = "SDL_mixer";
> > >                // General
> > >                [DllImport(SDL_DLL,
> > >                CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl),
> > >                SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
> > >                public static extern int SDL_Init(int flags);
> > >
> > >which I am thinking is pretty key to the process ...
> > >but why reference   SDL.DLL  ... I don't have that on Linux, thats on
> > >Win32.
> > >
> > >Anyone shed light?
> > >
> > >Also, would it be a hard job making the same wrapper to the SDL lib on
> > >MAC-OSX to complete a good cross-platfrom
> > >SDL.NET class for Mono ?
> > >
> > >-tl
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >_______________________________________________
> > >Mono-devel-list mailing list
> > >Mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com
> > >http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/mono-devel-list
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > David Mitchell
> > Software Engineer
> > Telogis
> >
> >
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> Mono-devel-list mailing list
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Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
I'm trying to become a "Rosh Gadol" before my own eyes. 
See http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2004/12/06.html for enlightment.
It hurts!
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