
I do not know if you have any help by this knowledge but 
I run .NET Remoting between a Win32 MS .NET client 
and a Linux (Fedora Core 3) Mono server.
I invoke the remote objects methods with HTTP (Binary Formater) 
and is able to both add DataSets as parameters and returns.

In other words, your problems seems to be specific to Webservices 
(in Mono).


Yngve Zackrsson.

On Sat, 2005-10-01 at 03:53, Ko Ko wrote:
> Hi,
> I notice that when I run Webservice on Linux with Mono, I got some
> problem with Data return from web services. When I return simple data
> like string from web services
> public string Hello()
> {
>          return "Hello";
> }
> my web application can receive the data return as string by invoking
> lblHello.Text = client.Hello();
> But when I try to return like DataSet from webservices 
> It cannot be receive correctly as Dataset string by invoking from my
> webapplication like
> DataSet data=client.GetDataFromWebService();
> The system recognize data return from GetDataFromWebService() as XML
> Element instead of DataSet although I am explicitly delclare on the
> Webservice like
> public DataSet GetDataFromWebService()
> {            DataSet dataset;
>              //some codes here
>              return dataset;
> }
> My program works fine when I am tested with Microsoft .Net and return
> the data typle correctly as DataSet instead of returning the wrong
> type XLM Element.
> Is there anyway to solve this problem?
> My mono version is mono and I am running it on suse enterprise
> 9. The webservice itself on mono is working fine. Only when I
> reference the webservice to webapplication I got this problem.
> The error message says
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wa\Login.aspx.cs(62): Cannot implicitly convert
> type 'System.Xml.XmlElement' to 'System.Data.DataSet'
> The data return type is already set to DataSet. The system always
> think that it is XmlElement. 
> Regards,
> Ko Ko
> Reality starts with Dream 
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