
This is a known bug already fixed in SVN HEAD.

El dv 30 de 09 del 2005 a les 18:53 -0700, en/na Ko Ko va escriure:
> Hi,
> I notice that when I run Webservice on Linux with Mono, I got some
> problem with Data return from web services. When I return simple data
> like string from web services
> public string Hello()
> {
>          return "Hello";
> }
> my web application can receive the data return as string by invoking
> lblHello.Text = client.Hello();
> But when I try to return like DataSet from webservices 
> It cannot be receive correctly as Dataset string by invoking from my
> webapplication like
> DataSet data=client.GetDataFromWebService();
> The system recognize data return from GetDataFromWebService() as XML
> Element instead of DataSet although I am explicitly delclare on the
> Webservice like
> public DataSet GetDataFromWebService()
> {            DataSet dataset;
>              //some codes here
>              return dataset;
> }
> My program works fine when I am tested with Microsoft .Net and return
> the data typle correctly as DataSet instead of returning the wrong
> type XLM Element.
> Is there anyway to solve this problem?
> My mono version is mono and I am running it on suse enterprise
> 9. The webservice itself on mono is working fine. Only when I
> reference the webservice to webapplication I got this problem.
> The error message says
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wa\Login.aspx.cs(62): Cannot implicitly convert
> type 'System.Xml.XmlElement' to 'System.Data.DataSet'
> The data return type is already set to DataSet. The system always
> think that it is XmlElement. 
> Regards,
> Ko Ko
> Reality starts with Dream 
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