2009/1/13 Rodrigo Kumpera <kump...@gmail.com>

> I would love to see a library with such high level constructs that exploit
> Mono.Simd. I would
> help with it for sure, but it shouldn't be bundled with mono.
Why not? Right now, every library defines its own, incompatible math
library. For example, OpenTK, Tao, Ode.Net, OpenAL.Net, Mono.XNA all have
their own math libraries - a common implementation would help
interoperability a lot.

We are still planning to port OpenTK.Math to Mono.Simd once Mono 2.2 is out
- our main concern is the speed hit when running on .Net and older Mono
versions. I'm also willing to contribute to a common implementation,
provided it can be standardized (e.g. by bundling with Mono or otherwise).
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