The solutions under msvc/script are (were) generated by parsing the Makefiles. 
Work done ~2 years ago was to make the resulting sln/csproj files more 
navigable (F12 and so on) from visual studio. While attempted, building to 
completion a substantial subset of the c# part of Mono was (is?) in the "too 
hard" basket. Besides, VS ddd (does?) not let you easily replace its GAC 
mscorlib by another one...

Miguel de Icaza, and possibly others I overlook, have recently worked on the 
Makefile mono build process and genproj.cs 
( Some 
workarounds I needed to do a couple of years ago seem no longer necessary.

>From memory genproj.exe had (probably still has) some options to limit the 
>resulting solutions to a smaller size (e.g. "include all the System.* projects 
>and their dependencies). This may be a basis to generate a small-ish solution 
>for a particular part of the Mono stack. Yes, by default the full 4.5 solution 
>is otherwise huge.

Christian, if you have not already done so, you should search for discussion 
threads popping every few months on how to get set up / operate to work on Mono 

[] on behalf of Atsushi Eno 
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 1:30 PM
To: "Hüning, Christian";
Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] Editing mono in IDE?

You would most likely like to create your own solution from existing

These days I've been working on Microsoft.Build.dll these days with my
own solution and projects [*1] because the centralized
msvc/scripts/net_4_5.sln is quite useless (too big). And I can't think
of any generalized way of generating "appropriate set of projects" for
each classlib assembly.


Atsushi Eno

Hüning, Christian wrote:
> Hi,
> I wondered if there is a way to efficiently and effectively develop
> mono with an IDE like Xamarin Studio / Visual Studio? I couldn’t find
> a central .sln file or something (did find quite a lot .sln files, but
> none that seemed to be THE solution file, if there is any).
> Is that even intended?
> Cheers
> Christian
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