Thanks for all the infos!

Am 08.06.14 09:02 schrieb "" unter

>The solutions under msvc/script are (were) generated by parsing the
>Makefiles. Work done ~2 years ago was to make the resulting sln/csproj
>files more navigable (F12 and so on) from visual studio. While attempted,
>building to completion a substantial subset of the c# part of Mono was
>(is?) in the "too hard" basket. Besides, VS ddd (does?) not let you
>easily replace its GAC mscorlib by another one...
>Miguel de Icaza, and possibly others I overlook, have recently worked on
>the Makefile mono build process and genproj.cs
>( Some
>workarounds I needed to do a couple of years ago seem no longer necessary.
>From memory genproj.exe had (probably still has) some options to limit
>the resulting solutions to a smaller size (e.g. "include all the System.*
>projects and their dependencies). This may be a basis to generate a
>small-ish solution for a particular part of the Mono stack. Yes, by
>default the full 4.5 solution is otherwise huge.
>Christian, if you have not already done so, you should search for
>discussion threads popping every few months on how to get set up /
>operate to work on Mono itself.
>[] on behalf of Atsushi Eno
>Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 1:30 PM
>To: "Hüning, Christian";
>Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] Editing mono in IDE?
>You would most likely like to create your own solution from existing
>These days I've been working on Microsoft.Build.dll these days with my
>own solution and projects [*1] because the centralized
>msvc/scripts/net_4_5.sln is quite useless (too big). And I can't think
>of any generalized way of generating "appropriate set of projects" for
>each classlib assembly.
>Atsushi Eno
>Hüning, Christian wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wondered if there is a way to efficiently and effectively develop
>> mono with an IDE like Xamarin Studio / Visual Studio? I couldn¹t find
>> a central .sln file or something (did find quite a lot .sln files, but
>> none that seemed to be THE solution file, if there is any).
>> Is that even intended?
>> Cheers
>> Christian
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