Hi Gelin,

I think mono is doing a good job, especially for backend uses. LISTEQ uses it to host their BoXedVDI Cloud Desktop software (www.listeq.com) - where the mono/.net application handles all the network I/O, video compression and encryption. I also use mono for much of the globaltuners.com infrastructure, including audio streaming, DSP and HTTPS proxying. Both systems can easily run for weeks, probably much longer if it weren't for software updates, without crashing.

We were recently affected by a possible (regression) bug in mono which caused crashes while running external processes under some circumstances, but this seems to have improved. You may have to be careful with updates, but overall it works well and can run reliably for a long time.


Gelin Yan schreef op 26-3-2015 om 11:01:
Hi All

A few years ago, I tried to port one of our server from .net to mono. At the time. Mono 2.8 was just out. My server use socket (tcp almost) & thread pools heavily.

I noticed several crash reports during the tests and some of them were related to mono's gc & threadpool, so finally I gave up.

Now We are in 2015 and mono has improved quite a bit. I want to know whether it is ready for backend? I founded many successful cases with mono but most of them are about mobile development. Could you share some experience on server side?



gelin yan

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