What a star you are, Timotheus!

Supplementary question - I am trying to load a time zone using:

TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("GMT Standard Time")

and I get:

Exception of type 'System.TimeZoneNotFoundException' was thrown.
  at System.TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneByFileName (System.String id, 
System.String filepath) [0x00018] in /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/mono-
  at System.TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById (System.String id) [0x0005e] in 

is this something I have not configured properly, or is it not supported?

Timotheus Pokorra wrote:
> > I have mono 3.12 packages built for CentOS5 here:
> > https://lbs.solidcharity.com/package/tpokorra/mono/mono-opt
> >
> > I did not upgrade them to 4.0, but if that would help you, I could have a 
> > look.
> I have just built the Mono packages for CentOS5, 32 bit and 64 bit.
> hope this helps,
>   Timotheus

Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.  PC & Unix consultancy & programming

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