Hi Peter and Joerg,

I've been digging around for the whole week in order to make the mono-service work, the attached TestService code saved me a lot of time. Very appreciate. I compiled and ran it on my machine (Suse 10 desktop), it's working fine on the command line. Here are my observations and questions:

1. You were creating 2 services in the MainClass, but only TestService1 called the OnStart(), although both services were disposed at the end.

2. The whole structure of your TestService is different from a Windows service created on Visual Studio.NET. On VS.NET, the Main() is included within the Service class, which inherits the ServiceBase. I was porting a Windows project to Linux so the Windows structure was used, and obviously it didn't work on Linux. This is not documented anywhere so for developers trying to make a mono service to work, it really gives us a hard time.

3. The Test Service works fine on the command line, but the whole point is to run it at system startup, so I created an init script following the guide given by Novell (http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/15380.html). However, the startproc command throws me an error: "cannot execute binary file.", but run it from a command line is fine (startproc /usr/bin/mono-service /path/to/TestService.exe). So I am stuck again when trying to run a mono service at startup, hope you could help me out.

4. How can I join the mono-list so my emails won't get bounced back?

5. I really want to write something about porting a mono service after I get my current project done. The material about this area is really rare. Where would be the best place to post, say an article with sample source code?



From: Jörg Rosenkranz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bradley, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"WILSON LEI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<mono-list@lists.ximian.com>
Subject: RE: [Mono-list] mono-service
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 13:31:16 +0100

Hi all,
I suppose you are missing the ServiceBase.Run call in your Main method:
 System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] servicesToRun;
 servicesToRun = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] { new TestService("TestService1")};
This method then calls your OnStart function.
I have attached a sample service I made some time ago as bug test case. Maybe this is helpfull for you.
Another idea: mono-service logs errors into syslog. Did you look into /var/log/messages?
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bradley, Peter
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 11:08 AM
To: WILSON LEI; mono-list@lists.ximian.com
Subject: RE: [Mono-list] mono-service

Could I take the opportunity to add my voice to this??I was intending to post something similar when I’d done a bit more work on the topic, but Wilson has beaten me to it.


The mono-service man pages are very sparse.?If I can get it working, I’d be very happy to write it up as a How-To sort of document for others.







Sent: 31 October 2005 13:44
To: mono-list@lists.ximian.com
Subject: [Mono-list] mono-service




I am trying to port a windows service project to Linux (SuSE 10 Desktop). The project compiles fine and I have an EXE. I then add mono-service myservice.exe into my startup script, however, the service is not started. I got an error saying "Exec format error". Could someone help me on this?


I also complied a simplest service and tried to run it on Linux using mono-service, I saw the Main() was called but the OnStart() function is not. Could someone guide me how to make a service on Linux just like a daemon?





><< TestService.cs >>

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