On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 13:59 +0000, Bruce Stephens wrote:
> I can believe that's true of some text files.  But for (to take a
> random example) C++ source files, it's surely not true, is it?  

That's the problem with current approach: it only takes C/C++ sources
into account.

> I'd expect to get C++ source files with native line endings, and to be
> able to commit them with native line endings, and I'd be surprised if
> I had to do something special to avoid ending up with CRLF endings on
> Unix, or LF endings on Windows.
> So how can we have both, while keeping the solution sufficiently
> comprehensible that people can work out how to get it to work for
> them?

Again: solution is trivial. "Transform what I ask you to (LF->CRLF and
back) and don't mess with anything special (like CR->CRLF etc)."

Maybe this won't work in all scenarios but it's (a) simple to explain
(and expected by all I believe), (b) works for far more percentage of
cases then current implementation.


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