> Right now I just need to find out why usher can't find the server, but
> it will eventually work. :-)

I found it.

If I use:

server "main"
host "localhost"
pattern "info.aleph0"
local "-d" "/home/jeronimo/monotone/main.db" "*"

And try to sync brahch:


Neither if I try:

server "main"
host "localhost"
pattern "info.aleph0.*"
local "-d" "/home/jeronimo/monotone/main.db" "*"

But if I use:
pattern "info.aleph0.my_branch"

it works.

It will not match. So it seems that I need to specify each branch in one
separate server?

I took a look at server_manager.cc, and found this:

  if (!srv && !pattern.empty() && !by_pattern.empty())
      i = --by_pattern.upper_bound(pattern);
      if (i->first == prefix(host))
        srv = i->second;

Is the inner if correct? Shouldn't it match against pattern, instead of

Also, I tried to change "host" to "pattern", but it still doesn't match
my_branch (as above). I don't understand exactly what prefix::operator==

I just started ot read the code, so I may be writing a lot of nonsense...


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