On Thursday 21 September 2006 13:05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 09:28:51PM +0200, Thomas Moschny wrote:
> > On Wednesday 20 September 2006 21:20 Shaun Jackman wrote:
> > > The monotone-0.30.tar.gz tarball shipped with package_revision.txt set
> > > to `unknown'. Should this be fixed?
> >
> > He who prepares the tarfile (i.e. Nathaniel) needs a recent mtn in his
> > path for the new mechanism to work, so I guess it will be set to
> > reasonable value again for the 0.31 release.
> Is this problem likely to affect monotone 0.30 users?

Only in such a way that 'mtn --full-version' says something like "base 
revision: unknown", and only if they use a binary built from the official 
tarfile. Other than that purely cosmetic issue it should not cause any 

However, if you used to do something like 'cat _MTN/revision' in *your own* 
project, you should change that to 'mtn automate get_revision_id'.


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