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Nathaniel Smith wrote:

> > My problem is that I'm probably not up to helping much with the
> > organization this time -- I'll certainly be interested in coming,
> > though!  Sponsorship was very helpful, but it's not a necessary thing.
> > The hard and urgent part is finding space and picking dates -- last
> > year, of course, Google gave us space and some money towards lodging,
> > so that determined the space part of things.  (The other options I
> > thought about were either borrowing space from a friendly company that
> > is less massive than Google, which companies are much easier to find
> > but it's much harder to get space during weekdays; or else lodging in
> > a hotel that had free wifi and at getting one suite that could serve
> > as a work area during the day.)  (You also want to think about
> > transportation issues -- in Europe I guess there is generally public
> > transportation?  Basically just making sure that there is some
> > sensible way for people to eat during days without requiring elaborate
> > load-everyone-in-a-car stuff.  Google, of course, made this
> > super-easy.)
> >
> > I would not be surprised if Google were willing to offer space again,
> > or there are other options like above.  I don't know that Google's
> > non-Mountain View campuses are set up for anything like this, but I
> > don't know that they aren't, either (though there'd be no Leslie
> > there, obviously :-)).  Whoever decides to make things actually happen
> > would of course get to make final decision on all these things, Europe
> > vs. other continents etc.  :-)
> >
> > -- Nathaniel
> >

Maybe there is a location of the same size like Google with:
- - - free (firewall/charge) internet
- - - two projection surfaces, but only one mounted beamer (one unmounted 
beamer to organize)
- - - one flip chart
- - - open for us 24/7
- - - free of charge

There are two possibilities of full service catering in the room and in a 
neighbour building is a canteen (breakfast and lunch only)

There is no problem with public transport (200 meters from location)



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