On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 11:12:15AM +0200, Markus Schiltknecht wrote:
> Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> >If anything, it's probably on the late side to be organizing for
> >January/February, so people probably would want to get on it quick...
> Yeah, better late than never ;-)   Besides, are there any good reasons 
> that it must be Jan/Feb?  We could still do in in March or even April, no?

No, no particular reason -- I think last year it just happened then
because by the time we started planning it was too late to do it
before Jan/Feb, and there was no reason to hold it off until after

On further thought, a time after March 22 would be much better for me
personally, because I'm a teaching assistant for the winter quarter
this year, so that makes it quite tricky for me to get away between
January 4 and March 22 (would need to find someone else to take my
class, couldn't do it at all during test times, etc.).

-- Nathaniel

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