Just a question... has anything been fixed in regard to directories existing?

It's yet again time to update some other boxes to current versions of
software.... I have dropped several directories....

I started an update.. and got a new project directory added (box2d)..
but then it collided with some other project for which it issues
'warning: cannot create direcotyr, already exists' *BOMB*

okay fine... delete that directory... try an update

*several hundred files report as missing*
... sigh ...
mtn revert --missing
mtn update

*warning cannot create path box2d, already exists* well of course it
does, I just got through a partial update!

okay remove box2d
mtn update
*forget about the missing files again*
mtn revert --missing

err what was that original directory it had a problem with?

mtn ls unknown
*thousands and thousands of files cause of course I have built this
project with 5 compiles with 3 different compilation modes*

so the real question.....

if a file doesn't exist, and it's going to be deleted anyway... why complain?
if a directory already exists, so what?  presume it was already added
by a incomplete update and continue....

*blow away workspace*
checkout again (the main project plus the 3 sub projects)

And then I ask myself ... why is it I liked monotone?

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