Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Bruce Stephens wrote:
>>> Help?
>> I think disapprove *only* changes the database.  You need to do "mtn
>> update" to change your workspace.
> Ok, I did that. It seems to work, but it also gave me a scary warning.
> For background, the commit that I wanted to remove was the addition of
> several directories with files in them. This is what mtn said:
> % mtn update
> mtn: updating along branch 'org.theingots'
> mtn: selected update target d02074eb70d2bdfe99fc82cc8c35a8c2c2b2ad98
> mtn: [left]  9198ce86d4f514bcf9cc613d170befd65a0ed7b4
> mtn: [right] d02074eb70d2bdfe99fc82cc8c35a8c2c2b2ad98
> mtn: warning: cannot drop non-empty directory 'certification'
> mtn: warning: cannot drop non-empty directory 'certification/include'
> mtn: warning: cannot drop non-empty directory 'certification/include/php'
> mtn: warning: cannot drop non-empty directory
> 'certification/templates/moderator'
> mtn: misuse: 4 workspace conflicts

Should essentially mean: this "update" should delete directory
'certification' (and childs) but they also happen contain some extra
non-versioned files I'm not allowed to delete, so you must take care of
'em beforehand.

PS: yep, monotone's error messages are more often than not a bit
conservative and/or excessive (there still quite a few use-cases when it
spits out "monotone fatal error, probably caused by a bug" when the
actual error would be something else such as "you probably
mis-configured your charset/language or something")
Problem with those is that power-users tend to forget about 'em and have
little motivation to improve 'em, I fear ;-)

Lapo Luchini - http://lapo.it/

“When two trains approach each other at a crossing, both shall come to a
full stop and neither shall start up again until the other has gone.”
(Kansas State Legislature)

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