Hi all!

Its been a while already since 0.41 and I'd like to prepare a new
release - probably the last one for 2008 ;)

A few things have to happen before, though:

* Had anybody beside the implementor taken a deeper look and tried the
new mtn conflicts functionality? Is this ready to ship as is?

* I've noticed a couple of fixes and changes on IRC which haven't made
it into the NEWS file yet. Would the developers who're now thinking they
could be meant please be so kind and add them? :)

* The buildbots on Win32, Mac OS X and AIX are either dysfunctional or
offline. Could somebody (Richard, where are you?) please have a look at
them? (Btw... Richard, in case you've missed my email a couple of months
ago, please remove the SuSE 9.3 buildbot - this is no longer existing.)

* Translators, are you still out there? The Swedish and Italian
translations are slightly outdated, the Japanese (last updated Jan
2007), Portuguese (last updated July 2007) and French (last updated June
2006) ones are missing 300+ strings - anybody up for helping out here /
taking these over?

Other than that I'd really like to see some movement on the server
front. As it is now Richard, who was not seen in the last couple of
months, manages the server alone, which kind of hinders our final steps
for the ikiwiki migration.

Richard, do you have some spare time left to do the final setup or,
alternatively, could give some other trusted monotone fellow a shell
login with which (s)he is able to manage the website, crons and monotone
server on monotone.ca?


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