In message <> on Sun, 14 Dec 2008 09:22:10 
-0500, Stephen Leake <> said:

stephen_leake> > * Had anybody beside the implementor taken a deeper
stephen_leake> >   look and tried the new mtn conflicts functionality?
stephen_leake> >   Is this ready to ship as is?
stephen_leake> not to my knowledge; one person used it and aggreed it
stephen_leake> was an improvement over the current conflict resolution
stephen_leake> process (which is still there).

Having been absent for a bit, this part is completely new to me
(though I think I noticed it when I looked at the commit log at some
point), and untried...  I'm curious, so I'll read up on it and play a
little ;-)

Thomas, how soon are you going to make the release?  Can I ask for a
few days to try new things out?  I'm in a playful mood for the moment


Richard Levitte               

"Life is a tremendous celebration - and I'm invited!"
-- from a friend's blog, translated from Swedish

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